In Jesus's parable of the Good Samaritan what did the Samaritan man do? He assisted the wounded man in a loving and practical way. He used his own finances to make sure that he was cared for and promised additional money to the innkeeper who was looking after the injured man, saying that he was willing to reimburse him for any additional costs incurred. It didn't matter to him that Jews were usually hostile to Samaritans.
JWs see themselves as the Good Samaritan. However, they never put their hands in their pockets and as an organisation help those in need. They don't run food banks, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, charity or thrift stores, even though they claim charitable status off the governments in whatever land they operate in. With crisis after crisis happening in the world today, such as in Ukraine, Afghanistan, or most recently in Sudan, thousands of people are on the move as refugees. What help are WTC giving to such destitute people?
In the study edition of the Watchtower of May 2017 paragraph 19 they actually put their stinginess in print while quoting the parable Jesus gave! How any JW can feel that their organisation are collectively emulating the Good Samaritan that Jesus described is absurd. They are definitely NOT even close to being like the the Good Samaritan! It would be laughable if it wasn't so serious. The attached screenshot shows you what I mean.