I understand there has been a number of smaller XJW forums that has sprung up, and I've noticed that it seems like there is less in depth discussions on those, it seems like it's more of a homey place to hang out and chat. I'm guessing one of the reasons would be there's just less people there, so you don't have as many different viewpoints. Has anyone else noticed differences like this?
Content of forums big and small
by Introspection 2 Replies latest jw friends
I have'nt bothered to look into other forums. But I'm going to. This board is
getting too big. I spent an hour and a half transcribing Kingdom Ministries the
other day, and I received about 4 responses. I've made, what I thought, some real
insightful comments as to what it's like on the "inside", but those "insights" have gone
largely unappreciated, or unnoticed, probably because there are just so many darn posts
on this board everyday that it's almost impossible to keep up with. I've "whined" about
this before. I have a lot of things I'd like to contribute, but I'm hesitant now because I
feel they won't even get read...So why do it??? This is'nt a slam on anybody, I just feel
that this forum is too congested, so I will look into some of the other forums, and see what's
Well the size of the forum can make it hard to keep track of threads, although for the kind of work you're doing you might want to see about having it on a website where that kind of info is posted.
Here's an idea.. What about a way to bookmark specific threads? Actually, you can already do that with the browser right?