"We get from time to time people saying you're biased in favour of the Labour Party. Every time I ask people - show me a case of that bias, explain to me where we got it wrong and why what we said was so unfair - they seem to be unable to do so."
- Andrew Marr, 11 May 2001
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BBC bias?
by Jayson 9 Replies latest social current
Texas Apostate
BBC biased ... How dare you say that!!!
They are not biased. Neither is Fox News or AL
OsamaJazeera. -
"We get from time to time people saying you're biased in favour of the Labour Party. Every time I ask people - show me a case of that bias, explain to me where we got it wrong and why what we said was so unfair - they seem to be unable to do so."
- Andrew Marr, Tony Blair's spokesman , 11 May 2001 Very funny considering Greg Dyke , director general of the BBC is in fact a labour man through and through. -
It seems to me that the BBC is the cream of Jayson Blair like principles and ethics. I've already covered my views of Foxnews editorialic journalism and, "Al-lah news live" well, I learned some tolerance from the Documentary "The roots of 9/11" by the Discoverytimes. However, it still caters to a region in denial.
From what I've seen of the BBC, they are unbiased. The links you have put (I haven't read them all) are, I suspect, all to one side of an argument. There will be an equal number of times that they give the opposing viewpoint and they do let both sides have a say.
They are possibly unique in broadcasting (certainly compared to commercial corporations) in that they are very critical of themselves and they have no coordinated message or party line that they adhere too. So, I may watch a programme on BBC in the evening and in the morning there will be an analysis on BBC radio 4 about it which may be very critical. They also allow you to phone in and have your say and always give comments from both sides of an argument.
Yes, I've seen that happen lot's of times. I tend to watch BBC news mostly, you'll often here an announcer say something about the head boys at the Beeb (our slang for BBC) criticising the Beebs own programmes.
Wow, well if some websites say the BBC is biased it MUST be true!!
So, that also means ChemTrails are real, that Bush is the henchman of the New World Order, an organisation headed by Queen Elisabeth II, who is actually a reptilliod alien in disguise, and that there really is B17 bomber crashed on the far side of the moon...
Honestly Jayson... I would say you're argument is a little screwy, but for a start, it's not really an argument, just a cut & paste stalking horse.
I think you equate the fact that the BBC is a little left-wing and has been for years and years and years, with bias. In that case, I do hope you will stop using all right-wing biased media, which means virtually all media in the USA. Obviously the politics of the BBC does influence the line taken by its reporters. Doh!
Somehow, this bias is small enough for the BBC World Service to be recognised around the World as the first choice for unbiased news. Perhaps journalistic integrity and professionalism override political bias most of the time. I don't know if you listen to the World Service Jayson... you might be protecting your ears from bias, and missing the phone-in programs where listeners from dozens of different countries take part in discussions. Oh, and the BBC attacks the Labour government in many ways, but as you don't watch terrestial BBC TV, you'd miss the news programs and comedy shows where you see this.
Here's an example of bias given on one of the links you gave - oh, have you read them all yet?
'What is it?', the Newsround website asks. The WSSD is 'A meeting to talk about how we can improve people's lives in a way that does not damage our environment'. 'What do they talk about?' 'World leaders balance protecting the environment against making money. Normally making money comes out on top.' Will things change?' 'People will keep damaging the planet and its wild animals…. Governments do not want to make deals that will cost their people money.'
This is characterised as "And there, in all its breathtaking cynicism, is the official UK media's line on the Johannesburg summit".
I actually think that leaders balance protecting the environment against making money and normally making money comes out on top and people will keep damaging the planet and its wild animals…. Governments do not want to make deals that will cost their people money is a pretty fair description. Do you remember Kyoto Jayson? You know Bushy informed the world that CO2 wasn't a pollutant; a semanitic twist to make money and avoid costing the USA any money.
However, the characterisation "is the official UK media's line on the Johannesburg summit". " is simply false. It's not the official UK media line;
- Right wing newspapers would have a different line
- There is no official media in the UK
- Even if the BBC were the official media in the UK, the person I quote is distorting facts, as she is quoting a small paragraph from a childrens news service and saying this is the whole coverage.
... so it would appear that you are using politically biased commentaries to support your claim that the BBC is biased.
Go put your bib on and tune into Fox; they'll present you with what you want to hear...
Wow, well if some websites say the BBC is biased it MUST be true!!
That you start a response like this shows how open minded you are.
Simon asked me to not post entire sites or articles on the board. Remember? This is a silver of the site. It is links for you to decide. And it is one site. That you are willing to use this against me and in most other posts where you um...respond to me you accuse me of things like "theocratic warfare" (Which me not being a witness and having no such training is awsome) is a joke. But hey my bad Aba, my bad. You are always right.
Do you remember Kyoto Jayson? You know Bushy informed the world that CO2 wasn't a pollutant; a semanitic twist to make money and avoid costing the USA any money.
And you refute this because of your multiple degrees in enviornmental biology and spending your life traveling the poles taking Co2 samples yourself right? This "Kyoto" targets the US while leaving other major countries exempt is not about paving the way for a world tax. No, couldn't be.
Somehow, this bias is small enough for the BBC World Service to be recognised around the World as the first choice for unbiased news. Perhaps journalistic integrity and professionalism override political bias most of the time.
Arafat got a peace prize. Does that mean he is a man of peace? Moore got an award for a documentary based on lies and misinformation. Does the award mean it is a factual representation? Rush L lets people call Savage lets people call Bill O allows for another opinion but these characters sure as hell are not nonbias. But somehow Euro's think that the BBC is above question; Unfortunatly so does the BBC. That bias, well, it's just my point. It is why Americans simply just don't care want Europe, I mean "the W-o-r-l-d" thinks about them.
Go put your bib on and tune into Fox; they'll present you with what you want to hear...
If your case was so strong you would not need comments like this to comfort you.
From what I've seen of the BBC, they are unbiased. Really?The links you have put (I haven't read them all) are, I suspect, all to one side of an argument. There will be an equal number of times that they give the opposing viewpoint and they do let both sides have a say. Yep and here you are the other side if you choose to be. I tried to keep it short.
They are possibly unique in broadcasting (certainly compared to commercial corporations) in that they are very critical of themselves and they have no coordinated message or party line that they adhere too.I agree, and I watch the BBC channel here in the US. I read they may be canceling it I will let you know if they do. The BBC news is very different than US news in many ways. I have to admit that I no longer watch any news source every day there are too many. I read every day via 3 to 5 newspapers and I read my never ending stream of books. I also agree that they[BBC] are critical. I call it sceptical of everyone (if that works for you). That in my opinion can be worse than bias and it why I talk the way I do about them. Everyone is suspect. Saddam and Bush are equal. The US must be make equal to every other nation. That is balance. The problem with that way of thinking is equal does not mean same. Many things can not be made to be the same. Life is sometimes not fair that way and one can become nerotic trying to make it so. Anyway all of that is 100/99.9% opinion on my part.
Double Edge
BBC - "They also allow you to phone in and have your say and always give comments from both sides of an argument"
Say what you will about Fox News, one thing I like about them is that they too allow people to phone in and email opposing opinions. On the Bill O'Reilly show, he reports some of his email, and there is always more "anti" and opposing opinions read that the contrary.
I don't see that much on
the Clinton News Network(CNN). -
From what I've seen of the BBC, they are unbiased.
of course they are.......everyone knows that the only media outlets with an agenda are right here in the u.s.a......its sad, so sad, and yet its all most of us get access to.....its no wonder we are all brainwashed nationalists.