I was ask to run for City Councilman. How did this come about.
Well I moved to serve where the need was great to a community of
ten thousand. After two years the congregation grew, so we were able to have
a KH. It was quick build. The folks in that city had a town meeting and question me
and the other elder, how will this be done with such a small congregation.
A year or so after the KH was built I was approached by a city councilman and asked
if I would be interested in running for city councilman. At the same time I was invited
to meet with the local ministers( all denominations ) once a week for breakfast.
Of course I turned down both, they were the devil.
Today, I would welcome the opportunity. I live in a much larger city now and
no chance of me becoming a city councilman but I try to get involved.
I would say ,go for it, make a difference.