Nicholas King interview
by neat blue dog 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Interesting . His parents taught him that life is to be lived, and he should enjoy life. My parents said we had no time to enjoy life now, we had to work to get to paradise. Then we could enjoy life. Sigh
Is he still singing at Bethell with the Crooklyn chorus?
He’s a tool, and a GIGANTIC example of Watchtower hypocrisy. Also, he’s not even as good as Michael Buble, which is saying something....
Someone said he`s a full time pioneer and a MS ? I find that hard to believe.
If you claim to be a JW and your a big fish in the world the GB/JW`s will latch on to you and turn a blind eye to your lifestyle , thats why they never disown the Williams sisters claim to be JW`s.
They just keep mute neither confirming or denying it.
He sounds gay - is he? No mention of wife and/or children?
Not once is mention the Jehovah's Witnesses thing… Hummmm… Why is that?
it’s not healthy for young brothers to stay celibate and not allowed to wank or anything I wonder what the percentage of single brothers in Borg are really ‘morally clean’ - Seriously how many young brothers stay a virgin and never masterbate? I remember one young Bethelite brother who admitted to an elder that he masterbates and he was kicked out of Bethel the same day. Then we had a Bethel lecture after the Monday night family WT study all about masterbating. The brother had to answer the question what is masterbation? He read a very clinical definition adding his own bits here and there and even included bits that would later be included in pillowgate. I remember everyone talking to other Bethelites about it and we all concluded that most young men do and it’s probably very small percentage who do practice self love in this way. I would go so far to say it’s also probably a small percentage of young men who have never ever had some kind of sexual experience with someone else either male or female looking at this picture of Brother King and considering all the years of performance in night clubs and gay bars, would anyone really expect him to have never ever? Really?