This Lady is making a difference ! J W Org take note !
by Phizzy 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The Bethelite
Well said. That is why the power of just one person standing up and calling bull shit can have a mighty effect.
A courageous and brave survivor for speaking out of this horrendous crime .
resolute Bandicoot
Brave Lady.
This young lady Grace Tame , been given "Australian Of The Year Award" for speaking out against child sexual abuse of which she herself was a victim,I can only hope it helps to bring to focus that a religion that claims to be Christian with over 60 000 members in Australia still refuses to join the Redress Scheme as some form of compensation for victims of child sexual abuse .
An abuse that occurred with at least 10006 victims in their own religion,and not one of them reported to the police or Child Protection Authorities by any Elder of the Church.
To date they have still not signed up .
I have sent this above letter to the Herald Sun a Victorian Australian newspaper ,I wonder if it will be printed .
To my knowledge they have not been shamed publicly for not joining the scheme as was promised .
I don`t know about whether they have had their charitable status removed or not as was promised .
Keep a look out you Aussies for the Herald Sun letters to the editor . ( Victoria )