After many years I just rewatched the prequel trilogy.
The GB just took power upon themselves by creating their own crisis and blame it on the devil or the world; like Palpatine/Sidious created the conflict that elevated his power. Then the GB elevated themselves by stating that they were the FDS, like Palpatine elevated himself to Emperor. If anyone disagrees, they are called treasonous and eliminated.
Palaptine's manipulation is just like what the GB does.
They play to people's emotions in their efforts to overcome death and defeat death. That is kept dangling in front of them as motivation.
Join us or you will lose your chance to defeat death. Then once they join, they've committed and can't go back. Still no fulfillment of the promise.
Just lies, twisted truths and manipulation.
Allies that are no longer useful are just cast off. Everyone is a pawn.