Crazy statements from JWTalk

by Jehovah lol 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jehovah lol
    Jehovah lol

    I'm sure many of you are aware of the JWTalk site, a message board which has yet to succumb to apostasy (give it time).

    Some of the forums there are visible to the public, and I've seen some crazy stuff. Here is a sampling:

    "Satan is really trying his best to make things worst for the witnesses, knowing the 6,000 years is almost up, from Eve's CREATION!"

    It looks like JWs are still well into their numerology. It just shows the mental contortions they'll resort to in order to convince themselves they're living close to the end. This one is particularly desperate though. The bible gives no indication of when Eve was created so it's pointless to even consider her creation as a factor if you're so inclined to think in such a way.

    Later in the same thread a poster mentions how JWs once thought that the end would come in 1975 because they 'read too much into the Watchtower's words' and that the WTS 'never said the end would come in 1975'. They really are deluded.

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  • blankspace

    How many more times are you going to post the same thing? Quit being a broken record. I'm tired of seeing the same post on every page.


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  • darkspilver

    blankspace: How many more times are you going to post the same thing?

    Well Jehovah lol did say in a now deleted post that they'd post it 144,000 times.

    I thought they where joking :pensive:

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  • Jehovah lol
    Jehovah lol

    Stop making it look like I'm posting these on purpose, they're all from when I tried to post it days ago, I have no control over this, I don't know why the mods don't do something about it.

  • Simon

    YOU are the one that keeps pressing submit. Maybe stop doing that if you've already submitted it eh?

    I'm getting really tired of cleaning up your shit all the time. It's not difficult. Press the button once. Then don't post it again. The fact that you are coping and pasting it and submitting it over and over is why it happens. How is that hard to understand?

    Also, let other people enjoy their own forum or group without harassment.

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  • Jehovah lol
    Jehovah lol

    I'm not PRESSING anything. It was all days ago. How hard is that to understand. Stop giving people the impression I'm still doing it now, these are all posts queued from days ago and at the time I got notifications saying they'd failed to send so I thought it was my Wi-Fi playing up.

  • lastmanstanding

    I’ve seen goofy stuff happening here lately. The other day, a post went up while I was nowhere near my computer. I thought someone broke in my house.

  • darkspilver

    lastmanstanding: I’ve seen goofy stuff happening here lately. The other day, a post went up while I was nowhere near my computer. I thought someone broke in my house.

    This forum has a 'limiter' - it limits both the number of posts/threads you submit, and the speed of your posting/threads.

    If you 'trip-up' the limiter, it'll queue your posts/threads, and then automatically release them later, without you having to do anything.

    When you press the 'Post Reply' button or the 'Start New Topic' button, there is a three-stage process - as long as the first one (the upload stage) is completed and is 'ticked' - your new post/thread is in the forum system.

    It will either go on to be processed immediately and made visible straight-away or, if you're posting too much/too quickly, it'll be queued for display later.

    It seems that Jehovah lol submitted at least six new threads within a very short space of time - with them pressing the 'Start New Topic' each time - this means that their threads are being queued, with one now being 'released' and made public every 12 hours....

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  • Alfred

    Simon... are you going to publicly apologize to 'Jehovah Lol' for your completely unnecessary outburst?

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  • darkspilver

    Alfred - interesting


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