Life seemed so simple when we ...

by eyeuse2badub 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeuse2badub

    Is it me or do you share my thoughts about life seeming so simple when were--------------kids and when we were----------------die-hard jw’s?

    As a kid we trusted our parents explicitly. Their word was truth and we believed everything they said. We believed them when they told us of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. How else did we receive toys on Christmas, chocolate candy on Easter, and a half dollar under our pillow when we lost a tooth? Why did we believe them? Because we relied on them to nurture us, feed us, and love us. We felt safe and secure because our parents protected us. They were so smart. They knew things. They could foresee the future and they were never wrong! Life was so simple. Just do what your parents tell you to do and everything will be wonderful. Your life will be long and successful. But it wasn’t all that disappointing to grow up and realize that our parents were just normal humans.

    As a die-hard jw we trusted our heavenly father jehober and our “mother” organization. Their word was THE “truth” and we believed EVERYTHING they said. We believed them when they told us about jehober, jesus, and satan. How else did we get here, receive an opportunity for everlasting life through the ransom, and also have someone to blame for all bad things? Why did we believe them? Because we relied on them to nurture our “weak” conscience; feed us what we thought was nutritious “spiritual” food and we even though they loved us. We felt safe within the confines of the wt organization, knowing that jehober would protect us no matter what. They were so smart and “knew” EVERYTHING. They knew that as young persons (in the 60’s) we would never grow old in this system. They could foresee the future. Remember? They knew that the 1914 generation would end within the 20th century and we would be in the new world by 2001. They knew that the “faithful and discreet slave” was ALL the anointed still on earth. They were NEVER wrong (were they). Life seemed simple. Get baptized, go to meetings, go out in service, donate to the worldwide work, don’t smoke, take blood, or commit adultery and everything will be wonderful. You will live forever in paradise!

    The fairy tale myth our parents taught us about Santa, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy didn’t really do too much damage because we grew up and learned things for ourselves. But what if your parents insisted that you to still believe in Santa, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy? Wouldn’t your life be much simpler?

    just saying!

  • hybridous

    Yes, thinking for yourself is a burden (of-sorts).

    Because you have to own and live with the outcomes of your decisions.

    This "burden" is one I'm willing to bear. In the ORG you can see learned dysfunction from being spoon-fed conclusions to every one of life's complicated questions.

    The inability (unwillingness?) to adjust to new information carries over into other areas of life. Suffering results.

    "If something can’t go on forever, it won’t"

    As the ORG struggles forward, JWs will have to get nuttier to stay in it. They are up against entropy (undefeated in the history of the universe).

    I do share some of your sentimentality concerning our very black/white, cut and dried paradigms of childhood, but I think as time goes on, it will be harder and harder to be a JW.

    Their lives may be simpler, but more miserable.

  • DesirousOfChange

    The beauty of JWism is that when things go good it is evidence that Jehovah is blessing you. But when things go bad, or when you face the burdens/problems in life due to lack of planning, then it’s not your fault—it's SATAN!

    Once you awaken to the fact that it was all a myth, you bear the responsibility, both good AND BAD! You cannot blame all of your problems on SATAN

  • eyeuse2badub


    You cannot blame all of your problems on SATAN

    But wasn't it much simpler to blame satan?

    I wonder why it didn't take much more than 8 or 9 years for us to realize and accept that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy were fictitious characters born in the mythology of human creation.

    Yet it took decades and even half a century for some of us to realize and accept that jehober, jesus, and satan are also fictitious, mythological characters of the same origin!

    just saying!

  • Finkelstein

    I think life while being a kid is just simpler by nature, good health, little responsibility, just worried about what to play with next and with who.

    Being a JWS kid usually meant the meetings were long and boring but the afterwards made up for it.

    Didn't really like giving talks or going out in service ether.

    Come to think of it, I probably was a closeted atheist .

  • Xanthippe
    Is it me or do you share my thoughts about life seeming so simple when were--------------kids and when we were----------------die-hard jw’s?

    I agree, this is the reason religions still exist because we now have answers about reality but some people prefer the simple life, let others control your life, tell you how it is. Be a child and you don't have to think or worry about anything. Jesus is quoted as saying just that.

  • DesirousOfChange

    eyeused2B— oh yes! It is easier to blame seating for ones problems. Look at all the JW‘s today to have financial problems or any other kind of problems for that matter — They have a persecution complex — none of it is their fault — It is all because Satan is trying to discourage them. It prevents them from having to except any personal responsibility for their problems.

  • DesirousOfChange

    “......blame seating for ones problems. “

    Damn auto-correct!

    “......blame SATAN for ones problems.”

    auto-correct is my worst enema!

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