I Did It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by L_A_Big_Dawg 5 Replies latest social family

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    I just got off the phone with my father. It went better than I thought it would. Of course he asked if I was doing anything in the "truth," and I just simply said, that I attend a church, and that I didn't want to take the conversation that way. Suprisingly, he went along with it.

    Overall, the conversation was good and pleasant. It was good to hear his voice again.

    Thanks for all your suggestions. At least I'll have a good night's sleep for the first time in about two weeks.

  • myself

    Big Dawg, I am glad it went well with your dad. Sometimes it is hard to tell which way it is going to go. Sometimes the not knowing is the worst.

  • SixofNine

    Hey, that's great.

    I didn't catch back up to that other thread, but I meant to tell you that after spending all night with my father at the hospital, and him dying early in the am., I was driving home - nothing left to do, 6am, and "the Living Years" came on the radio. Talk about waylaying you! Anyway, the song didn't really fit, I was not at odds with my father, but it hit me hard anyway, and made me feel glad we were at peace and I was with him when he died.

    I'm glad you called him, it was worth the risk. Even if it had gone badly, you would know the source.

  • teejay

    Glad to hear it, Dude. Glad to hear it.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Good going!

  • talesin

    big dawg

    i was just reading stuff on the site and came across your thread. parents - good topic.

    i, too, have had good results talking w/ my dad. it was initially surprising to me that he actually respects me as an adult. i feel blessed that i have a parent who can (except when it comes to dogma) really listen to me. he even had the grace and humility to tell me that he didn't think he was a very good father and that it was his fault that my life was all f***ed up. blew me away! but, as martha stewart wud say, it was a good thing.

    so, congrats to you! you are lucky to be able to communicate with your dad and that is a precious treasure for an ex-jw.


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