As of this date 15/12/2017 A.M. No Australian state or territory has signed up to the redress scheme giving compensation to the victims of Child sexual Abuse by any Institution.
Derryn Hinch a senator asks why not ? and that they must do so ..however I think Parliament is now in recession until early next year.
Senator Derryn Hynch made an interesting observation regarding the dollar amount to be agreed upon .
I think first up it was $500,000 in Compensation then it was reduced to $200,000 and then low and behold (in his words) it was reduced to $150,000 that the Government accepted which coincidentally ? happened to be the number the Roman Catholic Church had initially put forward as an acceptable figure.
I wonder why ? { Anyone ?}
Religion still is a powerful and influential force in Government in this day and age ,so don`t be surprised if the recommendations of the ARC submitted in their final report today are not watered down somewhat by the actions of Government
True some, if not many of the recommendations will be adopted but definetely not all of them and some of those not adopted will be the ones we wanted to be adopted.
It will be interesting to see what transpires in 2018
Edit to add ? What gains were made in Ireland with their investigation into Child sexual Abuse some years ago ?