JW prepper fiction

by Teddnzo 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Teddnzo

    There have been a few fictional books written about JW interpretations of the future. One brother called EK Johnson has written a few JW prepper fictional books based on JW timeline of events great tribulation and all.

    I love prepper fiction particularly post apocalyptic prepper fiction but not zombie fiction I’m fed up of those. I view JW fiction the same as the rest, just like any good fiction. EK Johnson is actually a very good writer and based on JW fiction it’s adds a level of interest for XJWs. His one series I liked called flee starts just before the great grub and then all congregations get direction to flee. It’s very good fiction actually


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  • Vidiot

    I dabbled in writing for a while…

    …once even penned an outline for a seven-volume epic based on WT eschatology…

    …as in, “what if it all technically came true, but turned upside-down and backwards in a way that uptight JW loyalists would absolutely hate, yet have no choice but to accept, because there was no other explanation”.

    (It was a long time ago and I lost the floppy disc it was saved on 😄)

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  • NotFormer

    I remember someone writing that sort of thing a couple of decades or so ago. It had only JWs surviving (and a few who didn't make it). Jehovah, Jesus and the glorious ones didn't actually turn up to direct things. It rapidly became Lord of the Flies, IIRC.

    It may even be on here. Or wherever Armageddon Okies are archived.

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  • peacefulpete

    I can't imagine anyone trying to escape the controls and programming of the WT wanting to entertain themselves with dramatizations of their apocalyptic scenarios.

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  • Vidiot

    Plus, I don’t think the vast majority of local rank-and-filers fully grasp what a post-apocalyptic, indefinitely WT-run world would be.

    Hell, when I first did, I felt sick to my stomach, and I was still in at the time.

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  • blondie

    https://avoidjw.org/news/after-armageddon/ Here's an after Armageddon story

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  • NotFormer

    Blondie, I think the story on the right is the one I remember.

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  • Diogenesister

    thats the one! Its a classic and already rarther prophetic !

    "at the morning meeting, Brother Thorn publicly reprimanded Rob and I for watching television. The elders have decided that, henceforth, watching videos is prohibited since we do not want our new paradise to be contaminated by the old world. Thorn speculated that one day we might have “theocratic television” from the Society. The Watchtower Channel? Spare me."
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