I have been completely out of touch for over a decade, but I recall that the general sentiment was that charities are often corrupt or inefficient, and too often have some association with false religion.
What is the WT view of donating to charity?
by sonofapreacherman 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Sonofapreacherman:
The Watchtower actively encourages JW's to donate to charities. The hundreds of charities that the Watchtower Society has registered, that is.
Room 215
An oft-used JW metaphor when asked about charitable activism: ``Why expend energy painting the front of a boat that has a gaping hole in its stern?" Althoughto be fair there are more than a few compassionate JWs, it's also fair to say that as a group they have little-to-no social conscience, and the minority who feel moved toward benevolence for the needy are ``swimming against the prevailing current" in JW culture and often find it prudent to keep their efforts to themselves.
That's what I recall sonofapreacherman. Take all that money you would donate to charities or even your fellow brother or sister in need and send it to the Watch Tower c/o, blah, blah, blah, blah.
They call themselves a "charity" and keep the money.
Thanks for confirming what I had thought...
but is the WT now involved in _any_ charitable work (outside of preaching/publications)?
I ask this because my mother is always keen to relate how the brothers have helped each other with housing, food and money following large disasters. She has replied to my saying that I am not surprised that JW’s would take good care of themselves, by claiming that the brothers also provide for the needy in disaster areas.
This somehow doesn’t square up with my (now somewhat vague) recollection of policy.
Is she just theocraticwarfaring to me?
Throughout my years as a JW I’ve contributed to charitable organizations like Red Cross, Amnesty International, Save the Children Fund, various health organizations etc.
Never felt that was a problem...
Other witnesses I’ve known have done likewise.
Other might choose only to donate to JWs. That’s their free choice.