Two faithful sisters in good standing having a little discussion about genocide.
The Participants: Sister New Hope, and Sister Joyful Proclaimer. Read on and enjoy this sterling example of JW “reasoning”:
Posted by Sister New Hope on March 11, 1997 at 16:44:19:Dear Friends,
Can anyone explain how I answer a householder who doesn't understand why the casualties at Armageddon will be so high? Has anyone encountered this difficulty in the field ministry, and if so, what scriptures do you suggest I try? Thank you.
All My Love,
Sister New Hope--------------------------------------
Posted by Sister Joyful Proclaimer on March 13, 1997 at 14:16:10:
In Reply to: Breaking the News to Householders posted by Sister New Hope on March 11, 1997 at 16:44:19:
My dear sister,
I am sure you will remember Jesus' words at Matthew 7:13, 14 where he said "Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction and many are the ones going in through it, whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life and few are the ones finding it".
Many people in the time of the end will opt for the things of the world as stated in Matthew 24:37 thru 39 and take no note just as those people in Noah's day did.
You will also recall that chapter 24 is part of Jesus' response to the disciples question as to what will be the sign of his presence and the conclusion of the system of things? When you read verses 37-39 of Matthew chapter 24 you will notice that verse 37 begins with the words "For just as the days for Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.
And as you are aware there were only 8 survivors of the deluge.
The casualties will be so great because those who don't survive will have failed to heed the warning at Zephanian 2:3 to seek Jehovah, seek meekness, probably you will be concealed in the day of his anger".
You might want to make this research project if you have the Watchtower Libray on CD.
Hope I was able to help you.
May Jehovah bless all your efforts on your return visit.
Sister Joyful Proclaimer.
Posted by Sister New Hope on March 14, 1997 at 18:39:32:
In Reply to: Re: Breaking the News to Householders posted by Sister Joyful Proclaimer on March
13, 1997 at 14:16:10:: Sister Joyful Proclaimer.
Dear Sister Joyful Proclaimer,
Now why didn't I think of this in the first place? This is a lovely and true explanation, simple and unconfusing to those new to the truth. You are right, Noah's family were but a handful of survivors and so why anyone believes Armageddon will be different, is beyond me.
A brother said sadly that many of Jehovah's people will faulter, and there may be a very few Witnesses of the true God who survive the great tribulation. Some find this difficult to accept, but as you pointed out the road to everlasting life is narrow and few find the gate, leaving many on the spacious road leading to their destruction. These sad facts are simple to explain, I now realize.
I've been doing some research on the Watchtower CD-ROM for Windows and it is coming along very well.
All My Love,
Sister New Hope
Comment: And still people wonder about how the genocide in Germany could be possible.
As this example show's, it just takes ordinary everyday people. When the ethics and morality of exterminating 6 billion human beings solely on the reason that they do not hold the "right" thoughts in their mind, can be so casually dismissed with such totally brain dead and shallow reasoning, any evil deed and outrageous act can be rationalized. To call such people idiots are an icredible insult to all idiots.