Can i be disfellowshipped or punised if i proceed with...

by vader03 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • vader03

    a seperation or divorce and neither party has commited adultery/fornication???

  • RunningMan

    You would not be disfellowshipped for this, but you may be considered "weak".

    However, if either party gets remarried before a scriptural divorce is granted, then that person has committed adultery and would be subject to discipline.

  • myself

    not as long as you don't get involved with someone (including after the divorce).

  • rocketman

    hi Vader and welcome,

    The Society gives three grounds for seperation: Extreme physical abuse (the word "extreme" being a real sore point with me and many others), "Absolute endagerment of spirtuality" (a case where one mate refuses to allow the spouse to pursue any jw practices) and Willful non-support, a case where the hubby intentionally fails to provide for his family. If you get a seperation for some other reason, you won't be df'd but you may be restricted from serving in any privilaged capacity in the congregation.

    For divorce, your divorce would likely be legal in the yes of the State but not in the eyes of the congregation. Again, you won't be df'd, but may be restricted from serving in various ways in the congregation.

    Take care and I hope things work out.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    After talking to you and seeing that you intend to proceed with this w/out 'scriptural' grounds, they can then give a talk on a Service Meeting describing the situation w/out mentioning names, and then stating that such a person who proceeded in such fashion would be 'marked'.

    Of course most everyone in the cong. will know who the talk is pointed to, and there after you will be 'marked' by the congregation.

    As mentioned, all privileges would be removed from you.


  • Mary

    If you tell the elders that your mate's favourite TV Show is Dateline, they'll help you obtain your divorce asap with NO repurcussions.

  • seedy3

    Back in my younger days, I remember a sister in the Congregation that was divorced, she has 4 kids, so one day I aske her how it was she got the divorce. She explained that the Elders had actually recomended she get the divorce so that the astranged husband could be legally be ousted and forced to make support. I guess he was extreamly violent and often would attmept to kidnap the kids. Most states now provide a legal seperation that provides the same benifit as divorce, but takes into consideration religons that do not accept divorce.


  • KGB

    Who cares, if your mate is a jerk why would anyone want to stay involved and getting out of the society is about the most healthy thing you could ever decide to do.

  • AlanF

    Rocketman mentioned:

    : "Absolute endagerment of spirtuality" (a case where one mate refuses to allow the spouse to pursue any jw practices)

    Actually the JWs apply a much broader definition. Many ex-JWs found that their braindead JW spouses claimed "absolute endangerment of spirituality" when the ex began engaging in "apostate" thinking and told the JW spouse about it. Of course, they're correct in this, because hearing good facts is extremely dangerous to a JW's "spirituality" -- which really means "worship of the Watchtower Society". This happened to me, with elders encouraging my wife to threaten divorce because of a "threat" I posed to my little daughter's "spirituality".


  • garybuss

    Vader, I am not aware of anyone being disfellowshipped for getting a divorce. I feel sure it must have happened. People are disfellowshipped for almost everything imaginable. I am aware of more than a few who were disfellowshipped for getting married.

    The Witnesses I am familiar with actually encourage divorce and actually require separations in cases where one spouse is a Witness and the other can not be controlled by the elders as Alan has written. Marriage is the pitfall for disfellowshipping.

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