Well here I go again

by KGB 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • KGB

    Okay, Okay some said I would come back and they were right. This is now my second apology. After I left I was angry and frustrated because I don't like the ol` arguement thing. I grew up with a lot of hatred around in my family"very Dysfunctional"

    After I said I was leaving this board I did a lot of soul searching. I dug way down deep inside. You see I am a Christian and that makes me a very happy person inside as well as outside. I had to be reminded that Jesus taught to love your neighbor. He did not say only the ones who believe like you he said love all your fellowman. Not to love what they do but the fact that everyone is just like me in every way.

    So now here I am just a fool and one who acted selfishly here with some of you and again I am truly sorry for that. I know that it is by example that we show others the reality and truth in Christ. I failed in doing so with all of you.

    I want to be a friend to all of you here and I vow not to act selfishly again towards any of you as we all have our opinions about things and we all have the right to share that. We all may not agree with one another but thats a normal thing. Besides you know the saying "opinions are like arseholes everybody has one" (LOL) So now that I got this off my chest I will also not do something else too. I will not argue with you about anything, I will simply state how I feel about something or express my feelings but I will not argue with anyone here, I hate that with a passion. Arguements brings anger with brings hate and it is not me or even part of me to be that way. It's not healthy. Discussion is healthy but not anger.

    I'm not looking for pity in this post or sympathy I purely just want you all to know that I enjoy being here and I enjoy sharing either my thoughts or beliefs. Simply put ? I'm not leaving again (LOL)

    I want to thank all of you for your warm goodbyes as well as your warm welcome back and I really feel the need to be here. So get used to me. Actually at one time I was someone else here but I got a virus and I did'nt know where it came from and I lost everything on my computer as I had to wipe my hard drive. So when I reloaded all my sites I changed all my user names and passwords. Can you guess who I am?

    Well God Bless all of you believers and Non- believers as well.


  • onacruse

    Welcome back, KGB.

    I purely just want you all to know that I enjoy being here and I enjoy sharing either my thoughts or beliefs.

    There ya go!


  • Prisca

    No offence, but this is why I don't bother replying to "farewell" type threads. More often than not, the poster returns, usually within a week or so.

    Glad you didn't leave for good, I've enjoyed reading your points of view.

  • KGB
  • larc


    I am glad you are back. I am a nonbeliever, but I respect your right to believe, and I would never put you down for that. You have the right to your opinions, as do I. So, I will express my opinions in honor of your right to yours, and never insult you for what you believe.

    I truely hope that you enjoy your time here.

  • teenyuck
    Actually at one time I was someone else here but I got a virus and I did'nt know where it came from and I lost everything on my computer as I had to wipe my hard drive. So when I reloaded all my sites I changed all my user names and passwords.
    Can you guess who I am?

    Trauma Hound? Similar writing and composition style.....

  • wannaexit
  • little witch
    little witch

    KGB, you are full of crap!!!!

    Everyone who reads this thread will now turn their attention to the thread started by Searchforthetruth entitled ''should the troops be pulled from Iraq''and comment back here on KGB's phoney thread with commentary about his honesty and sincerity.

    Sorry old boy, I don't believe a word you say anymore, you tarnish your own reputation, and you are trying to pull the wool over our eyes...

    I guess in your world, alot changes in three days

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