* Shocking Atrocities!

by MacHislopp 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello every one,

    Many have commented the way the WTS treats all those
    guilty of" different opinion " even in matters not found in the Bible, then let's
    remember what the WTS wrote about similar thing , done by the Churches in
    the pst centuries:

    *** w86 5/15 25 Are Religious Councils Approved by God? ***

    Shocking Atrocities!

    H. G. Wells held that the spirit of Constantine dominated church affairs, and he observed: “The idea of stamping out all controversy and division, stamping out all thought, by imposing one dogmatic creed upon all believers, . . . is the idea of the single-handed man who feels that to work at all he must be free from opposition and criticism. "


    "….From him the Church acquired the disposition to be authoritative and unquestioned, to develop a centralized organization and run parallel to the empire.”

    Even this:

    "…Any who expressed differing opinions or even attempted to present Scriptural proof refuting the dogmas and canons (church laws) of the councils were branded as heretics."

    Who then is committing " shocking atrocities"??

    Agape, J.C. MacHislopp


    **Transition period of Christ rule …

    Hello everyone,

    Have you ever read this?

    " …Then war in heaven would result in Satan's being cast to earth, woe on earth,

    and Christ would rule in the midst of his enemies for a period no exceeding one

    generation. " (Jehovah's Witnesses in the twentieth Century - 1979 - page 15

    §2, sub- heading - " Critical times hard to deal with" BUT "Your deliverance

    is getting near" .

    So what's going on now??

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • patio34

    Hi Mac,

    Two statements (trying to get away from jw speak by not saying 'comments').

    1st is that you've shown the WT hoist by its own petard.

    2nd is that they must be backpedaling trying to find a position to reconcile the whole 'generation' question so it doesn't turn into a fiasco for them.


  • bajarama

    I think the whole generation issue has turned into a fiasco for them. It hasn't been good for their numbers them at all. It's one more brick in the wall. I do think they'll be able to milk another thousand years out of it though. Look how long the catholic religion and christianity in general has been around. The bible writters also said that the end was coming soon. Here we are two thousand years later and people are still waiting. I think the whole christian movement is a cult. Imo.

    Religion is crack rock for the masses. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!


  • ozziepost


    Nice one! "H. G. Wells held that the spirit of Constantine dominated church affairs, and he observed: “The idea of stamping out all controversy and division, stamping out all thought, by imposing one dogmatic creed upon all believers"

    Notice the use of the word 'creed'. The WTS denies that Witnesses have a creed. So perhaps the cap doesn't fit after all

    Cheers, Ozzie

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