There are so many religions and faiths out there, and they all seem to be nice, decent people, so how am I supposed to tell which one is true and which ones are false?
True vs. False
by andypro 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
hi andypro, and welcome!
There are so many religions and faiths out there, and they all seem to be nice, decent people, so how am I supposed to tell which one is true and which ones are false?
You asked a good question, and that question has entered the minds of just about everyone at one time or another during their lives. I've asked myself that question too. I'm sure you'll get different opinions here. That's what is wonderful about discussion boards. I've learned so much. Anyway...heres my thoughts about it:
I stay away from religions and narrow it down to that there are believers and non- believers who are mentioned in the bible. And when I say "believers", I'm referring to the biblical definition. I'm not referring to the watchtower bible & tract society's definition (which is that "believers" are only those who place their loyalty in the WBTS.... i.e other Jehovah's Witnesses.) As far as the biblical definition of a believer, I am one. As far as there being any "true" religion, I don't believe there is. which is the reason why I stay away from joining or becoming a member of any of them.
that's my input.
somebody -
There is only one person who has the truth, aside from Jah.
That is Jesus.
No religion holds the truth, they are man-made organisations, originating from the world, NOT Jesus.
The Bible holds the answers.
There is only one person who has the truth, aside from Jah.
That is Jesus.
No religion holds the truth, they are man-made organisations, originating from the world, NOT Jesus.
The Bible holds the answers.
No that Jesus himself has spawned a HUGE religion of course!
My Lord did NOT spawn a HUGE religion.
In the days of his flesh, he proved to be a 'minor' group, a "remnant."
After his ascension, through the ministry he gave, many more came to him and recieved "life." They were visiously persecuted and scattered about being "hated by ALL people" and thus proved to be 'minority.'
Such is true today, "Although Israel is as many as the sands of the sea, only a 'mere remnant' will be saved."
This HUGE religion that was 'spawned' was NOT 'spawned' by my Lord. That is made VERY clear in Revelation 13:1, 4. They are "false lights" set up by the Adversary to mislead and destroy the true 'sons of Light.'
Since the true 'sons of Light' would NEVER give up looking for their Lord, the Adversary put out as many "False Christs" he could to gather and destroy, if possible, ALL OF THE SEED.
My Lord made it VERY simple. He said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." So, if you want 'life' you GO TO HIM. If you want "the truth" you GO TO HIM. If you want to know which 'way' you GO TO HIM.
Religion says "we are the 'way' come in here, we have "truth" listen to us, if you want to live, you better come in here, we have "life."
Thus they are ones (along with MANY others) who come "in place of [Him]" and are THIEVES AND PLUNDERERS.
May you have peace,
Aaron -
the reason all these "faiths" seem nice is because "the way man sees is NOT the way God sees, for mere man sees the OUTWARD APPEARANCE (what you have described) but God sees what the HEART is."
You cannot see the "heart" of these 'faiths/religions' but my Father can. Both my Father and my Lord have said they ALL are "bad" in his eyes. They ALL are "imposters and wicked men" seeking to destroy what belongs to Him. They are ALL ones "hating discipline" and not listening to the reproof that he has given. Thus, he in turn has rejected them.
As a result, the Father and the Son are looking for ones who will "listen to reproof" and "love discipline" and worship them "in spirit and in truth." They will make such ones their "temple" and live inside of them. They, in turn will be "sons and daughters" to them.
Aaron -
Hi Andypro,
Your question is a complicated one. First, it assumes that at least
one religion is the true or perfect one, while the others are false.
Then it assumes that this true religion can be identified by humans.
That an imperfect human can see the perfection of a religion. Yet,
are you sure that all this is true or possible?Suppose God decided to allow different forms of worship, each man-controlled and therefore containing certain imperfections. Despite,
these imperfections each would contain valuable moral codes which would give each of them validity in God's eyes. So God would allow mankind to worship him as best as they could, with whatever form of religion which was available to them. This would mean that while no
perfect religion existed on earth God would approve those attempting
to worship him through the imperfect ones anyway.Speculations of this sort should should be investigated throughout one's lifetime. Give yourself plenty of time to come to any definitive conclusions. I'm sure God doesn't expect us to know
more than we can. Perhaps knowing the basics, such as not inflicting
undue harm on others, is sufficient for now. Most religions share
such basic moral codes.Thanks, Emyrose `