One I was thinking of is if a gay JW fell in love with a gay Mormon and both got shunned at the same time each in there respective religions 'cough' Cults. Both with no more family and no friends. Both with deep conscience issues ripping at the very fabric of their love.
Another is a movie about JW paradise right after "Armageddon". Starts as dead bodies of billions are being eaten by birds and people who have died are getting resurrected. And presented with the 'truth' after being resurrected and think that its horse crap die again on the spot,only to be tossed to the birds.As the 144,000 judge from above the souls of resurrected ones.Also dealing with the apparent lack of sex resurrected ones will not be having and having a slightly different look than there first human body and coping with that. Leading up to full 'perfection' (whatever that means). Then Satan is unleashed and the majority of mankind following him willfully as they have realized that living forever has turned them into mindless robots of a selfish God. Would be intense, might wake some people up. IDK.
Anyone have other ideas?