Internet Sites, what is the watchtower saying ? about apostates ???

by run dont walk 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Had a conversation with my mom, and after firing 20 questions she had no answers to, she ended the conversation with ........

    "You have been using the internet haven't you, well you are going down the wrong road very fast."

    Yeah I love you to. You can't pick your parents !!!!!!!!

    think the Watchtower is a bit worried ????

    was there anything at the latest assemblies regarding the internet or apostacy ???

  • ninecharger

    The Internet is frightening every high control religion at present.

    It was the same in Mediaeval Europe when Gutenburg invented the printing press.

    The Church of Rome knew it would spell the death of their mind- and financial control in Western Europe. They could not stop it and had to adapt, sometimes in the face of changes in the law by more freedom loving nations.

    Telling someone not to look or see will only make the majority do so. As for the others, let the undead bury their dead.

    The world is no longer black and white (or rather Jerboa's Witlessness v nunbelievers) it is so many and varied they can no longer go on expecting everyone to dress up like new Yorkers to get salvation.

  • jgnat

    Oh, yes. An entire talk dedicated to it, I believe. The internet is bad, bad, bad. The illustration was used of of how a rumor, spreading from person to person, can completely change from sender to receiver. Therefore, nothing on the internet can be relied on to be trustworthy or accurate. Apostates have even been known to *gasp* doctor scanned documents so it looks like it says something completely different than the original intent.

  • Gopher

    Notice this post by Winston Smith, who had the "fortune" to attend a convention recently.

    It includes the Society's commentary on Psalms 26:

    *** Rbi8 Psalm 26:4-5 *** 4 I have not sat with men of untruth; And with those who hide what they are I do not come in.

    5 I have hated the congregation of evildoers, And with the wicked ones I do not sit.

    It was only too obvious where this was going. We are to examine our use of the TV and the Internet. We were warned that apostates are on the Internet and will try to befriend us to break our integrity. Well, it’s only the first morning and the WTS is already laying this idea into us. There really must be a problem with the WTS losing people to the "Truth" found on the Internet. The WTS spent a lot of time all three days vilifying apostates of the WTS to make them appear to the R&F to be absolutely evil.

    So apparently, instead of Christendom being the WT Society's main target, apparently the "apostates" are! Interesting, eh?

    And notice that the apostates aren't MEAN and UGLY, but rather are too nice! "Apostates are on the Internet and will try to befriend us...."

    Danger Will Robinson!

  • badolputtytat

    yeah... especially all those pictures, and scanned pages... You uh... KNOW how they tend to change from sender to sender.... The internet is information, they are just scared now that everybody in the world has access to this information. This is how the financial institution has made it's money, by keeping them in the dark... scared little people afraid of what my be out there. Fear tactic #127..

    jmo---continue please

  • ninecharger


    Doesn't the WT constantly doctor their quotes to say something different from the original? QV "Life How did it get here? etc." Can't the enemy use Theocrappic Strategy too?


  • JH

    The internet is BAD to the bone. And this site is the daddy of apostate sites..

  • freedom96

    The WTS will tell you at the beginning that you should question your religion, to make sure it stands up.

    They should not have any problem with their religion standing up. But it doesn't, and they will not allow you to question it.

  • Mary
    was there anything at the latest assemblies regarding the internet or apostacy ???

    You better believe there was...Saturday was the big day for "apostate talk"'s my posting I did a few weeks ago on this very subject:

    Well I went to the assembly yesterday, to see what bullshit they'd come up with this year to be upbuilt and I certainly won't go next year wasn't disappointed!

    Did you know that there are (gasp!) apostates on the Internet??!! Yes brothers, many of these apostates have logged on to chat rooms where Jehovah's Witnesses are, pose as Witnesses and subtly start to get others to start thinking for themselves "poison the minds" of the faithful!! Even more shocking, is the fact that they admitted that this has been successful and that many Witnesses have "turned aside from The Borg, God's Organization and have started doubting the insane doctrines teachings of the senile old men in charge Faithful & Discreet Slave Class!!

    I was trying not to laugh my ass off shocked! Why, I've never come across any apostate sites on the Internet, have you??

  • worldlygirl

    Mary, LMAO again at your post!!!!

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