I finally sent off the 3 page letter to my parents that spelled it out for them...where I was in MY life and where they fit into that. My pop had sent me an email initially that prompted my long-winded response to him. He opened the door for me to say what I wanted to say and I took it. Sayin stupid shite like, "reinstatement will mean, in addition to fellowship with family, opening up the opportunity to enjoy Jehovah's blessing; inner peace, a sense of purpose, direction, stability, and so forth." He really believes that drivel that he spouts off...at any rate I sent back a reply making it VERY clear for him where I stand in terms of going BACK to the jw belief. I have never sent him anything like this before and am not sure what is going to happen. I sent the letter 2 days ago. Via email so I am more or less sure that he has read it by now. He REALLY believed that I was falling apart because I am not a jw..another quote from his letter...
"(Zanex) should talk out his inner demons with the body of elders in Sacramento, or somewhere. It will be therapeutic and healthy. It will also mean becoming a man by overcoming inhibitions about the organization and past mistakes. Invite a listening ear let him talk.
LOL really? he HONESTLY believes that my inner demons are something that a body of elders can handle...gimme a break...anyway..I am not going to go into the whole letter as I am still pretty steamed over it. Point is that I finally responded in kind...i do not know whether this will bring positive or neagtive effects but at this point I frankly dont care...I have made my choices and they have made theirs...basically? I have nothing to lose..im already df'd..what more can they do to me? Already lost my family...used to it by now...but maybe just maybe my parents will hear with their hearts what I tried to say in the letter that I sent them...who knows?
"nothing ventured nothing gained"