What do you do to instill positive attitudes in friends and family?

by freedom96 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    So many people seem to have a negative attitude in life. Oh, they may be happy, but sometimes the negativity gets so ingrained in them that no matter what happens in life, they look at the glass half full, if not completely empty.

    For myself, I do everything in my power to instill a positive attitude with my children. I am always giving them words of support, anything it takes to instill in them a yes I can attitude, instead of allowing them to wallow in self pity, etc.

    Same thing with friends. The friends I choose have great attitudes, and I love being around them. Doesn't mean that we don't get down from time to time, but we do what we can to bring ourselves up as soon as possible. I love my children being around positve thinkers, again, compared to someone who has a "life sucks" type attitude.

    When I am with my friends, and even with strangers, and I find that they have accomplished something, or aquired something, I am the first to say "Good for you!" instead of saying anything negative, or being jealous.

    As I get older, it seems that my positive thinking attitude is lacking in so many people. I believe in my heart that many peoples lives would change for the better if they just had more encouragement from their loved ones.

    So, what do you do to instill positive attitudes in your friends and family?

  • happyout


    Yesterday a guy who works with me asked me where I got my energy, and why I was always smiling. He said everytime he came to my desk it was crowded with stuff, and I'm always on the phone working, and how do I stay so upbeat. It surprised me for a minute, and then I started to think about it. Some of it has to do with genetics. All the in laws in my family have mentioned that my siblings and I tend to wake up happy and smiling (my husband has been known to ask me to cheer down). The other part of it is introspection. I know things could be worse (and things have been worse), so I try to appreciate the good times. I find that smiling helps me feel better, and I smile all the time.

    I compliment friends and strangers all the time, I smile at everyone I come into contact with, and I laugh as much as I can.

    Have a great day,


  • MegaDude

    After much experience with bad attitudes and JW-instilled fear, anxiety, negative attitudes, I have come to the conclusion for myself that I have to consciously choose to have a positive attitude most of the time. I am here for the day, and I can choose to be happy or not. I might as well enjoy it.

    For the better part of three decades the WT said: The world is screwed, the world is bad, most people are bad, you are bad, you're imperfect, everything around you is wicked, you are not doing enough for Jehovah, and so on and so on ad nauseum. So it doesn't come natural most of the time for me to have a cheery outlook. A lot of times I have to consciously choose.

    If you want your children and family to be positive, then your example will say far more than you will ever say.

    Right now I'm sitting in front of my computer taking a short posting break. I have tons of tedious work to do. I really would like to go home early, have a martini, and turn on the satellite TV and relax the rest of the day. Because my job is so tedious at times, I focus on the ending positive result: the job is completed, I'm happy, boss is happy, $$$$ makes me happy. Some tasks are not attractive but most of us like having them done.

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