So many people seem to have a negative attitude in life. Oh, they may be happy, but sometimes the negativity gets so ingrained in them that no matter what happens in life, they look at the glass half full, if not completely empty.
For myself, I do everything in my power to instill a positive attitude with my children. I am always giving them words of support, anything it takes to instill in them a yes I can attitude, instead of allowing them to wallow in self pity, etc.
Same thing with friends. The friends I choose have great attitudes, and I love being around them. Doesn't mean that we don't get down from time to time, but we do what we can to bring ourselves up as soon as possible. I love my children being around positve thinkers, again, compared to someone who has a "life sucks" type attitude.
When I am with my friends, and even with strangers, and I find that they have accomplished something, or aquired something, I am the first to say "Good for you!" instead of saying anything negative, or being jealous.
As I get older, it seems that my positive thinking attitude is lacking in so many people. I believe in my heart that many peoples lives would change for the better if they just had more encouragement from their loved ones.
So, what do you do to instill positive attitudes in your friends and family?