Did they release any because, the wife came back and there isn't a new book in site!
by qwerty 8 Replies latest jw friends
Did they release any because, the wife came back and there isn't a new book in site!
One book and one brochure - "Learn from the Great Teacher" and "Look! The Beautiful Country!"
qwerty, some conventions were short on quantity and she may have to wait until September to get any.
Yes there was a new release called "Harry Potter and the Watchtower's Drone".....sure to out perform The Truth book.
One book and one brochure - "Learn from the Great Teacher" and "Look! The Beautiful Country!"
I think it's called "Look! The Good Land". It's a brochure of maps of the Bible lands. It was implied(though not outright stated) that these maps are more accurate than others available. The "black dot" for the center of Rome is actually at "the center of Rome". Whatever.
The "Learn from the Great Teacher" is a new childrens book. Aimed for kids between 6 to 10-12. It fills in the gap left between, Listen to the Great Teacher and Young People Ask.
They announced a new Pioneers manual(or whatever they call it) available later in the year. For Pioneers only of course.
The kids book shows a stunning shot of armageddon an us pagans screaming and dying. It's quite disgusting, really.
It was implied(though not outright stated) that these maps are more accurate than others available. The "black dot" for the center of Rome is actually at "the center of Rome".
It is eh? Well thank God they told us this, cause I was really worried about it.
ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz; I wonder, how exactly did Jehovah reveal to these boneheads annointed brothers where the center of Rome is using a black dot? Did He reveal it gradually? Or all at once in the Panic Room at Bethel? Did a beam of light come down from the sky and pinpoint on this "true" map where the center was? Apparently, the boys at Bethel would rather devote all their time and energy to a useless project like this, instead of doing things that REALLY matter.
I wonder, how exactly did Jehovah reveal to theseboneheadsannointed brothers where the center of Rome is using a black dot?
Some Gilead graduates went to Rome, where Jehovah made appear to them a black dot (much as he did the pillar of smoke to Moses) in the center of that great city. (The black dot's presence was invisibly revealed, of course.)
Praise Jah! For he is a mighty cartographer!
Thanks for that everyone...............There were "some" releases then!
LOL @ Mary
Yes there was a new release called "Harry Potter and the Watchtower's Drone".....sure to out perform The Truth book.
Seems to me that the water is drying up?
I bet there were no hard backed books.