The WT G.B. doesn’t want Jesus to come and rule the Earth.

by D wiltshire 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    The WT G.B. doesn’t want Jesus to come and rule the Earth.

    John 11:45-48

    45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him; 46 but some of them went off to the Pharisees and told them the things Jesus did. 47 Consequently the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the San'he·drin together and began to say: "What are we to do, because this man performs many signs? 48 If we let him alone this way, they will all put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." 49

    Many of the chief priests and Pharisees worried that if Jesus gets more people to follow him that he will cause them to revolt against Rome, to reestablish the Davidic line of Kingship over the Jews.

    They feared reprisals from Rome in which they would suffer the loss of the nation and their place of authority in it. In their minds they lose either way, they lose if he is the promised Messiah or they lose if he is an impostor.

    Many of these men "claimed" to be looking for the Messiah, but in their hearts most wanted no such thing.

    I think that it is the same way with the majority of the G.B. They give lip service to wanting Jesus to come again. They give talks about the closeness of his coming and have WT and books written in which they give certain dates for his coming to rule the Earth, but I think the majority are not looking forward to his coming, but dreading it.

  • sf

    hmmmmm, Jesus IS The Anti-Christ?

    Interesting 'schtuff' DW.

    How you doing. I been thinking about you.

    Wish you well, sKally

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Thanks for the concern. I'm doing fine. I was just reading the book of John and thought about the GB and how they are like the Pharisees, they really, really don't want Jesus to come again, for I am sure the most of them know they are not what they claim to be. So I thought it would be interesting to see what comments it would generate.

  • Mary

    Good point. I think the Governing Body members fear Jesus returning, if for know other reason that they know they'll have their sorry asses "judged" for all the horrific things they've pulled over the years. They shouldn't be too worried about having their authority taken away; they should be far more concerned with being condemned by God and having their lives taken away.............maybe to a place where they can draw all the maps they want.

  • sf
    So I thought it would be interesting to see what comments it would generate.

    LOL! Not many as you can well WITNESS.

    I'd like to put in a request that 'JCanon' comment. Please, and thank you.


    Thx Mary.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    well this can be seen i a few different ways.. first russell thought he was the fds or even called him self the christ along with borbour, miller storrs etc, along with jesus. but i think after nothing happened by 1900 russell , didn't truely believe he had anything special ie the holy sprit.. but he did have a great publishing co. and ppl revered him. so he kept it up. . it's nice to live the easy life, and once you got it , it's hard to walk away even if you have to lie to mantain it. rutherfford was totally full of it, and just wanted all jw's to bow to him. the gb members today are quite aware that jesus never choose the wt in 1919 and all the false prophecies , have nothing to do with god. . they are no different than hitler or stalin. theyare dictators tickling the minds of their followers with propaganda . and sitting back watching the money roll in , being idols of their flock ie fds and laughing all the way to the next convention. with their crowns of arogance and their swords of death to any that expose them. trust me these men know well they hold no sway with god. but they do have their own kingdom right here and now. with some 6 million worshippers ready to pray to them 5 times a week and sell their wares. hwo they even have the nerve to say when jesus does return that they will rule with him ie 144000 . i think you get the picture..............john

  • sf

    Hey johnny, I love it when you 'comment'. It turns me on like you will never know.

    It amazes me there aren't more 'comments from the Friends'.

    Ho hum....


  • setfreefinally

    I always read your posts D wiltshire! Especially after you kindly commented on my thread about God and time.

    I tend to agree with you the the GB fears that when Jesus does return they will be judged unfavorably. If they dont they sure as heck should.


  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    The big problem is the GB doesn't respect Jesus. I mean, they brag about not having songs about Jesus even though the early Christians worshiped Jesus and not "Jehovah" (which was long out of use then anyways, see writings of Clement of Alexandria). Anyways when Jesus comes it would be a lot of work for them in their view. Teaching all those people, tending to crops (wait a minute, didn't Paul say God would do away with food? 1 Cor 6:13), and cleaning up after armageddon (wait... where does it say that in the bible?, logical though, but so is purgatory).

  • BeelzeDub

    This make me wonder how the GB would react if Jesus walked up to Bethel and knocked on the door. Hey guys, you were wrong about me returning invisible, here I am now, in the flesh. Then he peforms a miracle to prove that he is indeed Jesus and here to take over control of the society.

    What do you think the GB members would do?

    A. Ask Jesus in, wash his feet and update him on the peaching work?

    B. Refuse to accept the he was Jesus, and ask for more proof?

    C. Call security and have him thrown out?

    I would put my money on C.

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