I really have appreciated the suggestions on how to respond to the elders recent behavior of attempting to find a way to disfellowship me and trying to push their way into my home by force. Thank you it's been most helpful to see many different perspectives.
The following post is lengthy as I'm also addressing a related topic to anyone reading this site who is not a Witness but even considering joining. You will see once again how the JW religion destroys families for their own members, those who try to leave quietly, and even the family members who were raised in it yet were never baptized.
As to the what I'm doing now to try to protect myself from their continued harassment and why. I agree that filing a police report would be justified. Yet the chance of a jw actually physically harming me is not great enough to publicly pursue it for one reason. It would surely get back to my family. Thus defeating my efforts to protect my father from this cultish disfellowshipping practice they are so intent on enforcing on all members. I want to leave quietly and peacefully from my end if at all possible.
The other option to request the local elders to stop would be pointless as I've made this cyrstal clear to multiple congregation members and now elders in two congregations! They would surely delight in kicking me out if I initiate another request.
Certainly my situation is far from unique. In this case I've placed a notice on my door that that says: •Private Property. •No Jehovah's Witnesses, solicitors, or religious group, etc. is to knock on the door or contact me in any way.• As far I remember only a Private Property sign was respected by them in their ministry. Hopefully it will in my case.
My other point regarding unbaptized family members is that the whole family can't be together for birthdays and holidays. Nothing new in that statement, but with my dad's age I think of the situation often.
This has deprived him and his children and grandchildren of the many occasions where the entire family could be together when everyone is off work. This is how many "worldly" families keep their ties with extended family over the course of the year or years. Not so with JW's, it's a huge loss for all, a disconnect that can't be changed.
Well, I could go on. I guess it's just hitting me so hard as the time goes by since I left. Now that I've joined my non-witness side of the family, my sisters, children, nieces , nephews , grandchildren, and so on who were either never baptized or left have couldn't become really close with the JW family group including my father who be gone before long.
We're all missing out on what could be amazing, we love each other yet it could be much better... Again, this is not just about me and my family, it's so across the religion.
That's all, I'm just so overwhelmed with the whole package of what the Watchtower grip of " being separate from the world " including worldly family has done and continues to do every single day. Over as out. 😥😣