June 27th was...

by starfish422 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • starfish422

    ...my ten year anniversary of having made my stand. I left my parents' home and the JWs on June 27, 1993. I know I haven't been on the boards much lately but I have actually been sort of letting go of the whole thing and gradually I don't "need" the therapy of the boards as much. But thought I'd stop by and give a wave to my friends on here; Scully, Ray, Quotes, Beans, Hawkaw...anyone I'm forgetting?

    Also, a little announcement: Hubby and I are expecting our second bebe in March. So now I"m off to have a little nap whilst I gestate. LOL

    Take care everyone! Hope all are having a great summer! :)

  • Ariell

    Congrats!...........if only I could muster up the courage to leave as you did, but it seems I'm doomed to a life of boring meetings and halfheartedly preaching to others to avoid making disciples out of them just to keep peace with my folks.

    Best of luck to you and your growing fetus!

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