We got solar panels after the promise it will slash our bills 70% turns out that was true 6 years ago when my uncle got it the government was PAYING people for solar power. Well i just got a letter telling me they slashed the rebate AGAIN to 9 cents which means my $5000 investment in solar will take 6 years JUST TO GET MY MONEY BACK! What a scam my uncles older contract means he pays NO power bills for the last 10 years while the new deal screws us totally! How can we save the world from global warming when they screw us over! Now i know why we are they only idiots in the suburb with solar panels...total rip off only our elecricity company makes money.
Solar panel government scam...we are doomed global warming Armagedon!!
by Witness 007 8 Replies latest jw experiences
A very similar thing has happened in my state too. (Australia) where a once good system was gutted because the govt was going to be 'stuck' with big fuel guzzling power stations (they said) and with less income coming in.
Are they concerned about power station emissions or not? Apparently ...not.
my uncles older contract means he pays NO power bills for the last 10 years while the new deal screws us totally!
Ain`t that the truth , ALL governments move the goal posts to screw the average worker and make sure the Govt. and those that prop them up reap the reward.
I feel for you Bro.
Its ALWAYS about money.
The fact is, solar dosent work in a triditional sense without the traditional power grid as defacto battery.
Your panels dont produce power 24/7. At night or on low sun days you need the traditional grid to keep power flowing as normal, and yet on good days you produce excess power and back feed that into the tradtional grid (at least in the usa). You get credit for that excess juice but the costs for maintaining the traditional power grid don't disappear for utility companies. Thats why rebates and credits for solar power are dropping. Its a natural leveling.
in the end you will still recop costs and eventual more than break even but the governments incentive to finance it up front is gone
Still Totally ADD
A six year recovery is far better than let's say just 10 or15 years ago it would take 20 years to recover your cost. In the U.S. one of the biggest problems is our power grid it is very antiqueted and needs to be totally rebuilt. For those who can't afford solar one of the biggest things you can do is have proper insulation in your attic, craw space or basement floors and seal all air leaks around doors and windows. It's amazing how much energy you will save. Living in a old farm house built in 1899 I know. Also I learned in old houses like mine insulating the walls without taking all the old interior walls out first and then put in a proper vapor barrier needs to be done. If you don't you will risk moisture problems which will cause mold problems in the wall. If you do go through all that trouble to insulate the walls it will take almost 12 years to recoop your investment. If you go to foam insulation it even more. Good luck with your solar panels on your house. Still Totally ADD
How can we save the world from global warming when they screw us over! Now i know why we are they only idiots in the suburb with solar panels...total rip off only our elecricity company makes money.
Solar panels are too expensive for what they claim that they do. It's like they want consumers to pay what they save in electricity to the company that makes them.
Also, many companies use that save the planet thing to their advantage or as an excuse for them to save money. A bottled water company, for example, made their caps smaller to "save the planet" by using less plastic. In reality they saved gazillions of dollars in material and the price of their bottles is the same.
Same thing with those bulbs that save electricity, the energy bill is the exact same, even if you pay the insanely overpriced cost of those "energy saving" bulbs.
I am not buying the Global Warming. I remember the 70s and the global cooling, I remember 20 years ago the seas would be dead in 10 years.. There is so much BS that my cult radar goes off. If its the truth you don't have to make crap up.
The initial rebates were to encourage early adoption. It doesn't really make sense for the government to overpay once demand reaches a certain level.
The biggest threat to cheap energy right now is crypto currency / bitcoin mining. The power consumption is astronomical and prevents regular people enjoying the cheaper prices that they should because of this wasteful demand. I read recently that processing a single bitcoin transaction takes the equivalent power that would run an average home for a year (something like that, I may not have it 100% but it was shockingly terrible).
It should be banned IMO and until it is, no one will benefit from the cheaper power that alternative energy should bring.
Witness 007
If they made it worth it everyone would get it and be off the grid! Global warming solved. Instead they waste millions on research and testing new fuels and wind power...stupid!