All the witnesses hope for the end of the world as we know it, and how they will clean up the earth. I wonder if they really consider the magnitude of what that would involve.
Some of them talk about taking over someone else's house. Let's take that alone for an example.
They would walk up to a house that they like, and have to claim it for themselves. I would imagine that they would have to fight off other witnesses, because after all, perfection would not have set in yet, and we all know that really, witnesses are no different than anyone else. People would be argueing about who saw it first, etc. Someone would have to stay there for quite awhile to state their claim.
So once you have claimed your residence, now you must clean up. How heart breaking it would be for almost any human to go in and remove all the family possesions. You really should get rid of everything in the house, for it might have demons on it.(But then again, is this the point where Satan is cast away for a thousand years? So maybe all stuff is not possibly demonized.) But at least you would have to get rid of any false religious items such as paintings of Jesus, or a cross, etc. So maybe you can keep some furniture, but some you would likely get rid of. I wonder where the new dump is, cause there should be much to destroy.
Family pictures would need to be disposed of. How sad, while going through the pictures seeing a whole family smiling and enjoying life. Kids, grand kids, all full of life. But all destroyed, even the one year old baby, because the parents wouldn't talk to the witnesses at the door.
Not to mention, actually getting rid of the bodies. Would the new man of the house take care of this, or would this be a project that would include the wife and kids? Would they grab the legs and the other witness family member grab the hands as they carried off the dad, mom, and kids out of the house? I mean, after all, the birds will not eat all of it. There will be some disposing of the people. How would you explain that to your kids. " Come on kids, do you want Susie's room? Ok, lets carry her out to the yard and bury her." Don't think that would sit very well with the young kids.
I wonder if the family dog makes it? Or do you have to cart him off too?
That is a lot of work, a lot of disgusting work. Would they be whistling kingdom melodies while disposing of the people?
With everyone so concerned about which house they are going to take, who is going to take care of downtown, and all the business districts. There certainly will be much carnage there too.
Who would take what jobs? Would elders pull rank and get the better house, better car? Seems to me there would be much talk and some being very jealous surrounding all these circumstances.
Here is a thought. In the world today, there is a 80/20 rule. Many of you surely have heard of it. So many things can be applied to it.
One common analogy is the following: Imagine you took away everything from everyone, and divided it up equally between all people. The rich and the poor all have the exact same thing. In a short period of time, 20% of all the people would own 80% of everything, even though everyone started at the same place. That is just human nature, and the way it works.
I wonder if that would happen again in this myth of the new order. Would a society of millions of people be able to keep everything completely equal? I don't think so. Sooner or later, the 80 / 20 rule would be back. And that would create envy, and jealous people.
Anyways, getting off track here of my original thought.
My point is, I don't think most witnesses have really carefully thought about what would really happen. All they think about is this wonderful paradise, and don't think about the effort to get it that way. Though there are certainly some hard asses out there that would look at a family, and think to themselves, "Oh they had a chance." But I think those people are very cold hearted, and few.
Any thoughts? Did any of you really think about it? How did you justify it?
Me personally, I never thought about it at all. Then again, I never thought too much about the new order anyways. I always thought I was getting ripped off. I mean, all these billions of people got to live their life, and now as a youngster I was being told that armageddon was right around the corner? I was really pissed off about it! What about all the fun stuff to do, raising a family, making money, enjoying friends. The paradise on earth as they talked about it, didn't appeal to me. Sounded pretty boring. Now I am not one to go out and "party" with drugs, excessive drinking etc. I just wanted to do what I do now. Have a family, a loving wife, great kids, go to movies, travel, enjoy family and friends, do nice things for people, make money. I just want to enjoy life as we know it now. One day, after death, I do believe in heaven, or whatever God has intended for us, and I shall enjoy it too. But while I am here, let me live.