The Freemasons also commemorate Jesus death. It is a sick ritual do not attend this year!
Jehovah's Witnesses: Stop! Do Not Attend Memorial!
by runForever 5 Replies latest jw friends
By rejecting christs blood one is also rejecting the new covenant matt. Chapter 16 or 26 and not being in the covenant ones sins are not forgive Hebrews chapter 9. So i guess the JWs are going to wake up to a rude awakening when they are being killed off at the big A. Glad i don't believe. -
I understand that Rutherford was a "33rd level Mason". This means to me given the above video he delighted in the exaltation being made of him or that the masons were short of people to promote. Me? I go for the first. -
Either way, you are wasting your evening. You are not only rejecting Jesus but Astaroth as well. Do you want to pxxx off both sides?
Not to mention, what good is it? Who is it that started this sick tradition? And, this is way before Freemasonry started--as far back as Judaism itself. To me, this tradition is as blatantly Jewish as Yom Kippur or Hanukkah. Would you classify a religion as xian if they celebrated Yom Kippur openly? And, if that religion billed itself as the only true xian religion, would you wish to trust it to be honest in anything else?
" I understand that Rutherford was a "33rd level Mason" Zeb.
Any proof that he actually was a Mason ?
For years rumours circulated that Chazzer Russell was a Mason, but in the end proper proof was lacking, there was simply no record anywhere of him having been one.
The WT Memorial is very strange.
Despite the fact that Jesus said to eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of him, millions of people attend the Memorial in order not to partake and to watch no one partake of anything.