Please feel free to download anything you wish from these soundbites, etc. which I will be hosting on a regular basis. I come across some wacky stuff from time to time, JW and mostly non-JW and Bush related, and if you need them emailed to you as opposed to using the links (which can be fickle), please email me at [email protected]. If you click on a dead link, it is most likely that it is taken down to conserve my webspace to make room for new ones, as time goes on. I intend to delete them after a week or so, to give most people a chance to hear them. If you get a dead link, just ask me and I can email the file to you.
- We all got to see Bush's belligerent "bring 'em on" comment in print, but here's the comment as spoken by the great Dubya Himself.
- Many times, folks here on this board comment on how "the truth" can leave one totally whacked out. As shown on old Learning Channel footage, see if you can "name that number" of the Kingdom Melody that is blaring from this poor soul's car stereo, all the while he gives South Carolinian police officers quite an adventure.
- Some of us might have heard that the Michael Savage show on MSNBC is toast. What is amazing, is, how even his disgusting homophobic comments even shocked a producer listening in the background. If you listen carefully, you can pick out a loud "WHOA" after Mike's first diatrabe against the hapless caller.
- Sometimes you can be as right as rain on a subject, but the way you present it leaves a sour taste in peoples' mouths (or a ringing in one's ears!) I know people can get carried away in speeches, but, sheesh, Mrs. Clinton, you don't have to sound like a screechy old hag while you're making your point!