Are all JW who were born before 1930 considered anointed or just some? Did Charles Taze Russell at one point not say he was the only one going to heaven? I've looked through the Proclaimers book but can't seem to find the explantation as to why the special class believe they're special. Could someone point me into the right direction. I use to know all of this stuff by heart but it seems my lack of faith has sucked the knowledge right out of me. Maybe my body went through a brainwashing detox. I dunno.
The Special Dubs
by Ariell 2 Replies latest jw friends
You aren't going to find anything in the Proclaimers book. That book is so full of revisionist history it's not funny.
Love, Scully
Ariell... I'm sure there are others here who can give you a better explanation, but I'll try to give a quick summary.
Russell believed that only 144,000 anointed ones constituted God's church, and that the 'harvest' for gathering such anointed ones ran from 1874 to 1914. When 1914 came and these ones weren't taken to heaven, he thought that perhaps the harvet had been slightly prolonged; but that's apparently the reason why, starting in the 20's, various individuals who joined the group felt that they weren't anointed.
These individuals, however, weren't expected to 'consecrate' themselves, get baptized, or do all the things that anointed ones did. So by the 30's, Rutherford realized that he had a problem. This growing group of people wasn't doing anything for the organization. So between 1932 and 1935, he added various responsibilities to the Jonadabs, until finally in '35 he gave the talk in which he identified them as the "great multitude", and said that they should get baptized.
So to answer your question, are all dubs born before 1930 supposedly anointed... absolutely not. The majority of those baptized before '35 probably are; but there were some individuals who were baptized before '35, but stopped partaking of the emblems that year.