Take a look at this website: http://www.switch-tele.com/switch/premiumrate.html
Does anybody look familiar?
by SpannerintheWorks 7 Replies latest jw friends
Take a look at this website: http://www.switch-tele.com/switch/premiumrate.html
Does anybody look familiar?
Ummmmmmm. Very puzzling if you ask me, Spanner.
Perhaps its all part of a jigsaw.
hahahahaha...... Maybe he does modelling in his spare time?
Actually that's a rather young-looking Ozzie.... it might be a younger relative.
Maybe he does modelling in his spare time?
That's probably what he has been up to whilst he has been absent here for the last couple of weeks!
Spanner gets super sleuth of the year award for that one. Yup same pic. Ozzie goes on vacation and now his cover is blown ! LOL
LOL - poor Ozzie. Must've run out of Aussie $ on his travels, had to take up some modelling along the way....not a bad idea while on vacation.
Yup, that has to be his twin.
When I first came here, Ozziepost used a pic, but I wasn't sure if it was him or not.
What does he look like anyways?
If someone has a pic of him, holding a bottle of wine, then I'll believe it.
Hahaha! Hey...does anyone else thinks the girl with the red tank top sweater on that site looks like me?
hey billy,.....when your hair was shorter!!!