The stOOpifying Hypocrisy of the WT
by Tallyman 8 Replies latest jw friends
"Words of wisdom Lloyd, words of wisdom"(the Shining)
"cults suck"
Hello Tallyman,
excellent research in "old treasures"!
This should be printed in the latest Wt magazines.
Thanks ..for the addition to my files.
Agape, J.C. MacHislopp
Thanks ..for the addition to my files.
Gots plenty more, Mac H
Before I sell anything from now on, I'm gonna make a good digital scan of it, for uhh, 'posterity's sake'.
...I don't know how the Watchtower could fail any more miserably to live up to those "sage" words printed on their bookmark, can you?
Uh, which edition of "Harp" would that be, Tom? The first edition? Or the second edition which contradicted a bunch of stuff in the first edition? Or would it be the third edition was contradicted a bunch of stuff in BOTH the first and second editions and was almost like another book?
I need salvation, so I "gots ta know" the answer here!
I do not know the answer to your Questions.
I hear the Kult has a Special Koin you can flip to come up with the right answers - the 'heads' side of the koin is a braindeadbrain, and the 'tails' side is a big fat ass!
I hope that helps.
Hello Tallyman,
good reply. Btw, do not sell or give away
the "old" precious publications. They are the only "proof" that
some will accept in a discussion or debate, or should I say ...
the only evidence they'll surrender to!Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
Right on Mac...
Great advice. And the best one from my perspective is "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose." This is the official JW apologia and addresses all kinds of controversial, historical topics that had been following the JWs around like a bad smell for decades. They really tip their hand in this book.
I tried to buy a copy not long ago, but the person who had it wanted $90!! I'd like to have a copy, but not that badly. I'll wait for it to come out online. And it should.
Francoise: RE JW in the Dvine Plan - I'll start scanning a few pages but you will have to edit it. Will email a few pages shortly. Tell me if there is any particular pages you want