Weird Beliefs from JWs

by Yizuman 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Who has heard some really far out, off the wall, El Whacko beliefs from JWs over the years??

    Here's an example....

    Yesterday a couple of Jehopeless Witlesses told me that riding my bicycle was the Doings of the Devil because, since a bicycle can't stand up by itself, it's impossible to ride one without the Devil holding you up. Does anybody know what Bible verse they use to support this? They refused to tell me.

    Oh by the way, I told them I had invisible pink unicorns holding my bike up.

    I read that from another JW forum and I was like, "WHHHHAAATTTTTT????"


  • worldlygirl

    ..... and that bike seat feels soooooooo gooooooood......gotta be the debil!

  • logansrun

    Yizuman, where did you here this? This is NOT a belief of JWs, at least not any ones with any sense of sanity. Really, it amazes me how non-critical people can be when they hear the stories people tell about JWs. Use your head.


  • happyout

    Ditto Logansrun


  • freeman

    You think JWs have some strange beliefs do you?

    I guess you would find it hard to believe that daemons can live in very small items procured at garage sales. Maybe you find the suggestion that recipients of heart transplants unknowingly receive the personality of the deceased donor just a bit nutty. Does it not make perfect sense to everyone that annoying and disease spreading insects such as the common housefly and mosquito are creations not of God but of the devil? And just who can argue with the soundness of avoiding aluminum knowing as we do from the pages of the Watchtower that it can cause insanity and a host of other problems? And let us not forget about the wise counsel of refusing emergency blood transfusions for both adults and children alike. As you well know God is not pleased when lives are saved using blood products that have not been sufficiently broken down into smaller components.

    IMHO, considering some of the truly strange and even death-dealing beliefs JWs have had over the years, a little satanic bicycle-balancing act is really not that out of the ordinary. But then again in fairness, I am sure this is not a JW belief. To me it sounds like some individual nutcase with nothing better to type.


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    It sounds like the writer was being a bit sarcastic. I don't think it was meant to be taken seriously.

    Anybody who ever was a JW would know that is not the way they believe!

  • smurfette

    I think this is another case of freaks among the wackos. No mainstream jw would ever go that far. Even my mom who burned everything for demons let us have bicycles.

  • primitivegenius

    unless of course those bikes came from a garage sale lol

  • Country_Woman

    Like we are saying here:

    There are human beings and there are bicycle-bells
    (the latter only make noise)

    From all the ridiculous things I ever heard about Jehopeless Witlesses this is the worst.

  • minimus

    Chairs are considered wrong to have because they are images of limbs. Having a pot-bellied pig is really violating Christ's words about casting pearls before swine. The Watchtower symbol is from Babylon originally. The original color of the New World Translation was green and discontinued because Bible students became envious. Charles Taze Russell originated Cream of Wheat.

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