Hello everyone,
just another of those questions for which
answers are ever changing, as the time goes by.
So, "When would faithful anointed Christians the resurrection?
The Bible, through the apostle Paul, explains that they would be
raised 'during Christ's presence.
So when these « holy ones » finish their earthly course, they do not have to
wait in death for the return of their Lord.
Yet , over the years the WTBS Inc. has privileged
the "flock of God" by teaching .... several different dates for the event i.e.
- the Resurrection of the faithful " anointed ones" or " holy ones"
Let's start:
***first it happened in 1878 see "Thy Kingdom Come" 1891 through
1927 editions, page 305
A Resume of the Prophetic Evidences Which Show the Presence of Immanuel, and that His Kingdom is in Process of Establishment.
Now call to mind the steps, well founded in the "sure word of prophecy," by which we have come to this heart-cheering and soul-stirring knowledge. Behind us are all the prophetic landmarks which point to this time as the most [C305] wonderful period in all the history of the world. They have shown us that since 1873 we have been living in the seventh millennium; that the lease of Gentile dominion, "The Times of the Gentiles," will expire with the year 1914; and that the advent of him whose right it is to take the dominion was due in 1874. They have shown us that in the days of these Gentile kings, before their lease of power expires, the God of heaven will set up a Kingdom, and that the setting up of that Kingdom has actually been in progress since the year 1878; that there the resurrection of all the dead in Christ was due; and that therefore, since that date, not only is our Lord and Head invisibly present in the world, but all these holy messengers are also with him. And observe, further, that this date of the resurrection of the dead in Christ parallels the date of the resurrection of the Head of the body. Our Lord's resurrection occurred three and a half years after his advent as the Messiah, in A.D. 29; and the resurrection of his body, the Church, we have seen, was due in the year 1878, three and a half years after his second advent, in October 1874. "
***second it would be be completed sometime before 1914 see
"Thy Kingdom Come" 1891 through 1912 editions, page 228
***later changed to after 1914 see " Thy Kingdom Come"
1913 through 1927 editions, page 228
The Deliverance of the Church Near--It will be the Harbinger of Deliverance to all Mankind--Its Date Approximated--How the Saints will Escape Those Things Coming on the World--How and When God will Help Her--The Manner and Circumstances of Her Final Deliverance --The Deliverance First of Those Who Sleep in Jesus--The Change of the Living Members of the Church--Will They Die?-- Blessed are the Dead Who Die in the Lord from Henceforth.
Nor is this rejoicing selfish in its character; for the deliverance and exaltation of the Church of Christ will be the harbinger of a speedy deliverance to the whole race, from the tyranny and oppression of the great enslaver, Sin, from the shadow and pains of sickness, and from the prison-house of death: "For we know that the [C228] whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain,...waiting for the...deliverance of OUR BODY"--the "body of Christ" (Rom. 8:22,23); because, according to Jehovah's arrangement, the new order of things cannot be established until the great ruler, the Christ complete, Head and body, has come fully into power.
That the deliverance of the saints must take place very soon after 1914 is manifest, since the deliverance of fleshly Israel, as we shall see, is appointed to take place at that time, and the angry nations will then be authoritatively commanded to be still, and will be made to recognize the power of Jehovah's Anointed. Just how long after 1914 the last living members of the body of Christ will be glorified, we are not directly informed; but it certainly will not be until their work in the flesh is done; nor can we reasonably presume that they will long remain after that work is accomplished. With these two thoughts in mind, we can approximate the time of the deliverance.
***then in 1921 see "The Finished Mystery," 1917, page 64
Series VII
"The Winepress of God's Wrath" and the Fall of Babylon
75,000 Edition
falleth from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig-tree." (2 Pet. 3:12, 10; Isa. 34:4.) Evidently the circulation of the penny will have something to do with the burning of the tares!- Matt. 13:40-43; Isa. 21:9.
Forty days after Christ's resurrection His ascension occurred. This confirms the hope of the Church's glorification forty years (a year for a day) after the awakening of the sleeping saints in the Spring of 1878. The seven days before the Deluge may represent seven years, from 1914 to 1921, in the midst of which "week of years" the last members of the Messiah pass beyond the veil. The Great Company class shall be cut off at its end- the fact that we see the first half of this week so distinctly marked would lead us to expect three and one-half years more of witnessing by the Great Company class; for it seems to be the Heavenly Father's way to accomplish His work by weeks and half weeks, from the very beginning of creation until now."
"The awakening of the sleeping saints, A. D. 1878, was just half way (three and one-half years each way) between the beginning of the Times of Restitution in 1874 and the close of the High Calling in 1881. Our proposition is that the glorification of the Little Flock in the Spring of 1918 A. D. will be half way (three and one-half years each way) between the close of the Gentile Times and the close of the Heavenly Way, A. D. 1921. The three days (three years- 1918-1921) fruitless search for Elijah (2 Kings 2:17-18) is a confirmation of this view. We shall wait to see; but we shall not be indifferent while we wait, lest peradventure another, more zealous, take the
crown we have. The time is not long: but if we have to go on for fifty years, why should we care? We are the Lord's. Let Him do as He will with His own."
*** in 1918 see "The Watchtower" October 1, 1917, Reprints, page 6149
***in 1925 see "Millions Now Living Will Never Die "1920, page 110
Published by International
Bible Students Association
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
Copyrighted 1920 by
International Bible Students Association
MN 110
completely obliterates by its greater power previous explanations.
7:20. This sign shows how the millions of tracts setting forth the blessed harvest tidings would seem to churchianity. This sign, fulfilled, shows that the time for earths deliverance is near.
25:10. This represents the coming deliverance of all, living and dead.
26:18,24,28. The seven Gentile times ended in the fall of 1914.
26:34. 35, 40-45. A reference to the seventy jubilees which must pass over Israel before they really enter the promised land. These 3500 years began with the entrance into Canaan in the spring of 1575 B.C., 1574¾ years before the A.D. era end will come to their full end in 1924¼, o about April 1, 1925, at which time we may expect the resurrection of the Ancient Worthies and the beginning of the blessing of all the families of the earth, living as well as dead. The last year of the 3,500 years will be itself a jubilee year witnessing the antitype, the great jubilee, of restitution.
27:24. Another reference to the coming deliverance of all men. "
***then shortly after 1925 see "The Way to Paradise" 1925, page 224
*** then in 1941 see " The Watchtower" September 1, 1941 page 265
***then in 1942 see "Consolation "May 27, 1942, page 13
Although the quotes are accurate, I’m sorry but I couldn’t scan the rest.
I do hope that it wasn’t too hard.
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp