For any readers of e-watchman's articles, especially his article on 'We have concluded a Covenant with Death', please note this comment from this 1999 Watchtower article:
"23 We must be certain that our refuge continues to be Jehovah and his mountainlike organization. (2 Samuel 22:2, 3; Psalm 18:2; Daniel 2:35, 44) That is where we will find protection! We will not imitate the masses of mankind who will flee to "the caves" and hide "in the rock-masses of the mountains"—human organizations and institutions that may remain for a very short while after Babylon the Great is desolated. (Revelation 6:15;
Notice how they say 'his mountainlike organisation' and then quote from Daniel 2:35,44. They are almost saying that the rock that crushes all the world powers in that scripture is in fact God's earthly organisation! Equating the imperfect human earthly organisation with God's actual heavenly Kingdom like this is just not on. A blatant example of idolising the Organisation ahead of Christ and his Kingdom