Yet another question

by zeena1998 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • zeena1998

    from the "wordly girl"...I'm not sure that I understand what you mean when you refer to "priviledges". I've seen the term mentioned in several threads but can't put it all together. How do you gain these privledges? Oh and while I'm in the question mode, what does "dub" refer to?

    Thanks all!


  • zeena1998

    Duh...where did it go???

  • Elsewhere

    A "Privilege" is when you are given even more work to do without pay. How do you get the privilege of doing a privilege? Simple! Do whatever the elders tell you to do, and if you do even more to impress them, you will be granted a "privilege". So basically, if you work reeeeal hard, you will be rewarded with even more work!

    <---- A clinically depressed dub who has been miserable for years yet feels guilty for not being happy. He will take on more burdens privileges to try to make himself feel better. When that does not work, he repeats and takes on even more burdens privileges. He will keep doing this until he burns out and goes inactive. The elders will then tell everyone that he is spiritually weak and remind them not to be around people who are bad association.

    During a general conversation with some dubs I asked why they called it a "privilege" when it was really more work… I got an ugly look from everyone.

  • TheSilence


    Jehovah's Witness

    shortened to

    J Double-U

    shortened to

    J Dub

    shortened to


    it means a witness.



  • DJ

    dub = w. ( w for witless)

  • zeena1998

    Ooooohhhhh I see said the blind man!! If I were there, you bet your bottom dollar that I'd do whatever it took to NOT gain privledges! LOL. Actually, knowing me, I'd be striving to "do better and better".

    Thanks for the answers! And know if only I could find out why I can't see this thread anywhere except through the search function...


  • unique1

    Priviledges translate into: making comments at meetings, going door to door in the field ministry, being able to pioneer (70 hours of Field ministry), becoming a Ministerial Servant or Elder (taking the lead in the cong. by keeping accounts, handing out literature, giving the longer talks, taking care of sound during the meeting, etc.), Carrying the microphones to those who want to answer, cleaning the hall, Saying the prayer for the congregation.

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