Anyone who enters the fray of Bibical scholarship finds a world of empassioned arguments drawing diametrically oposing conclusions. Both/all sides of a debate claim relevant archaeologically and paleographically established facts to support their position. What is going on?........
I propose to describe the methodologies of the 3 foremost camps of thought on this subject.
The 3 camps are in my estimation, 1..the conservative historical critical method (hcm)supporters, 2...the so called "minimalists", and the 3...Bible inerranists.
To roughly approximate the priciples and approaches of these 3 groups I have supposed a hypothetical Bible text that has 3 elements open to historical review and proof/disproof, I will call them A,B,C. These may be names of Kings, cities, dates, descriptions of the political and religious environ, stuff like this that archaeology and other historical sciences can offer input.
Lets say that modern study and digging has revealed an inconsistancy with detail A. The hcm group will publish their findings but assume an essentially historical core. The new information will be seen as an embellishment of an otherwise historically valuable text. Group 2 the "minimalists" will see the inconsistancy of detail A and suspect B and C are likewise fictional until B and C can be demonstrated to be historical. Group 3, the Bible inerranists will see point B and C as unDISproven and therefore have faith that detail A is being misinterpreted or worse the information is being distorted by Bible haters.
This gets complicated when more and more evidence comes in as inconsistant with the Bible narratives. Many hcm scholars are left with questions of just what is left to regard as historical. The minimalists are derided for questioning everything, even the traditionally "established" history. The Bible inerranists are cornered and become more certain that conspiracy is everywhere, some resort to out dated reference works to cling to a semblence of rationality.
I welcome serious discussion about the methods only, please no posting of links.