Hi Guys, My father was a staunch JW. He thought the world was going to end where he had to beat Satan out of us to make us fit for paradise. Amusingly, in the end he was diagnosed as a psychopath. The amount of mental illness that runs amongst JW is much higher than the normal population. One psychologist who was a JW wrote to the Watchtower about this. He was hushed. If the watchtower inculcated children with such doctrines it should pay a life time cost of therapy. It is responsible and to blame. After all the first person not to take good responsibility was Satan when he looked after the Garden of Eden. Likewise the Watchtower seems to be in irresponsible darkness now with one court case raging after another. My cousin Julie was sexually abuse by a JW. When mum told our providing overseer he lovingly corrected her in say brothers would not do that. Case closed! I have documented my abuse story in a book. If you are a JW please don't read it as I am a heretic. I love my morals more than the doctrines of the Watchtower who I could never pay allegiance too and therefore remained un babtised. Also not giving my total patronage to those who have denied abused children justice would have meant DFS. Then I would have been classed as an apostate. However, I do not like arguing and I am too bright to reason with the JW's. I keep them at a distance as bad association spoils useful habits. Here is a bit about my book. Beware! This book divulges the story of a young boy's family who are in the tight grip of what some experts now believe is a false prophet. This is a compelling story of how corrupt persons calling themselves Christians built horror stories in the mind of followers by their interpretation of the bible and how they abused the vulnerable. The day was getting closer. Thunder growled in the heavens above like the voice of Satan. The lighting hit the ground like the swords of demons. The rains lashed against the window like the devil’s wrath. The wind howled like the sound of slaughter. The first doom has come, the second doom is coming and the third doom has yet to embrace us. Yes it was approaching 1975 when the end did not come. http://www.poseidonbooks.com/children_of_armageddon.htm
Do not spare the rod!!!
by Medos 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
If the watchtower inculcated children with such doctrines it should pay a life time cost of therapy.
If that is the case, then adults worldwide would have to pay as well since this type of mentality permeated through much of the world for the past few hundred years. JWs hardly had an exclusive on this.
Hey Medos. Nice to have you aboard. I think you have a point.
If the watchtower inculcated children with such doctrines it should pay a life time cost of therapy.
If that is the case, then adults worldwide would have to pay as well since this type of mentality permeated through much of the world for the past few hundred years. JWs hardly had an exclusive on this
True. But when I do something wrong then I have to take responsibility for my actions. So why not the Watchtower? They screw up people's minds, so let them pay for the therapy afterwards. The question is: "How the hell are we gonna do this?"
True. But when I do something wrong then I have to take responsibility for my actions. So why not the Watchtower?
Perhaps someday but for now it will go to the parents. Just because a parent interprets or allows a meaning to be interpreted as a literal beating of the child then the parent is responsible for their actions.
Even when I was a good dub and attended meetings regularly I knew it was not a literal meaning. Not beating your child literally is not a dfping offense.
The word "rod" is a symbol of firmness or strength not a beating instrument. Common sense.
I hated people who were stupid enough to take that literal especially when some stupid c**t of a sister would take their 3 month old baby to the restroom and start whipping it for crying during the meeting. I wanted to grab them, rip their hair out, and punch them senseless.