....Don't really know how to phrase my question any better than that.
See, I left when my daughter was 12 and my son was 19. But they were both ready to leave years before that!
At 17, My son heard a talk about conforming to the bOrg. "Don't put any energy into being different," the speaker said. "Let the bOrg God's organization set your standards for you." At that moment, my son knew he would never be baptized.
My daughter was far ahead of him; at the age of eight, as the result of a school science project, she was convinced that reincarnation was real. (No, it wasn't part of the lesson plan.) She tells me now that she began searching for other spiritual information shortly after she began learning to read: "I started reading the Bible story book at meetings," she says. "'This is pretty interesting,' I thought. 'I wonder what else is out there."
So I guess I'm asking a bundle of questions: Not only "were your kids ready to leave before you did?" but also: "Why?" "What did they believe that was different?" and "How did they arrive at their conclusions?"
Wait'n' for the stories,