Glad I found this place & Questions about H2O

by Liberty 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Liberty

    It's good to see so many familiar folks here on this sight from the old H2O. Is this(the site we're on now) "Simon's Site" that some on the new H2O were talking about? I have nothing against the new H2O but it always causes my Netscape connection to crash and it's not as easy to use as the old H2O or this site. It also seems that it has been flooded with Fundies which is fine (they are entitled to express their opinions too) but there doesn't seem to be the balance there that there used to be. Are my observations off the mark or have any of you had the same problems?

    In any case, I've been too busy to keep up with these sites so it's good to hear from you all again and I'm glad so many of you are still around. I was real sorry to hear about Bruce Bainbridge. He was a real loon but he had a good heart. I had no idea he had this fatal illness because he didn't use this to get sympathy or win arguments. I'm glad he had a place to fill his time and keep his mind active. I hope I can drop in more often cause there are alot of interesting things you guys discuss just like on the old H2O. I also like the free and open expression here. Glad to be free.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi Liberty:

    Welcome to the board.

    I started out searching for info and support about Feb. this year, after reading C of C book and was directed to H20 to start with but found it slow to move around in and also found the constant "yelling" and fighting about deleted posts, very tiresome so I linked to 'freeminds' from there and then linked to this site in March.

    I like it here much better, and have been finding out a wealth of info, got the courage up to start posting and got the support and boost I needed.

    Looking forward to 'hearing' from you.


    Had Enough (of the WTS lies and need more real 'truth')

  • Fredhall

    H20 sucks!!!!

  • ozziepost

    G'day Liberty,

    How good to 'hear' from you again. Yes, it is kinda nice to be with the family of friends. How sad about Bruce Bainbridge. There's something re-assuring about the being with the familiar 'faces' from H20 as well as the Newbies who've made such a welcome contribution.
    Please, let's hear more from you, if it's possible.


    Ozzie (of the getting older with grace class )


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