Sodom and Gomorrah: A Request

by Euphemism 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism

    Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! I'm using up one of my precious two daily topics to post this, so you'd darn well better read it!

    I am hereby proposing a moratorium on all mentions of the flip-flopping on Sodom and Gomorrah. Most Witnesses did not and do not give a damn whether the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah will be resurrected. I know that when I was a loyal dub, I certainly didn't; and I was by far more interested in doctrine than your average JW.

    If we can't come up with examples of Watchtower flip-flopping on issues more important than the resurrection of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, we all ought to have our apostate licenses revoked.

    All in favor, say aye!

    (All not in favor, keep your traps shut. )

  • blondie

    Here's some other choices just off the top of my head:



    1879-1929 Secular governments

    1929-1962 Jehovah and Jesus

    1962 to present Secular governments

    Great Tribulation Beginning (first part)

    1914 to 1918 GT during this period/stopped temp/Near future will start up again

    1970 Has not started yet


    Scream Yes

    Scream No

    Celebrate Birthdays and Christmas Yes/No

    Use of Cross (until 1936 on the WT I think) Yes/No

    Alternative Service No/Yes

    Generation of 1914 No/Yes

    1874 or 1914 Presence of Christ

    1878 or 1918 Resurrection of deceased 144,000

    1881 or 1935 General call of 144,000 ceases


    Organ transplants

    Up to 1967 Okay

    1967 to 1980 Not okay--cannibalism

    1980 to present Okay--personal decision

    Homosexuality/bestiality not grounds for divorce

    (grounds for being a widow or widower in the nation of Israel)

    Homosexuality/bestiality now grounds for divorce


    As always Blondie, you're quick to bring important WTS info to the fore.

    Thanks again!

  • shotgun

    Most of the Society info on Sodom and Gom put them in the same boat as ones who perish at Armageddon which includes many relatives usually, so if they don't care about the past what about the future.

    But you are correct no one really gives a rats ass about flip flops unless your at the beach and the sand is hot or something affects you personally. Like blood or transplants maybe even how disfellowshipped are treated.

    I've been exposing changes to family and elders for months and its like they have ear plugs.....I am stuck as to what will help...sorry

  • blondie

    Shotgun, sometimes people can't see the forest for the trees. More pointedly, they aren't ready mentally to accept it. My experience is that people don't believe it until they personally experience it or hear it (sometimes many times). Everyone here was a true believer for some time (some less than others). But then something happened that made them take a good look. It's not the same for every person. Mnimus has a thread asking people what it was that made them take a second look. I'm amazed at how many different things influenced people to leave the WTS.


    How many people admitted the emperor had no clothes?

  • xjw_b12

    Man that Blondie.......Quickest Gun on the Board. Must have a Six Gun CD/DVD Shooter !

    Actually I found the flip flops on Sodam and Gomorrah that JC MacHisslop posted a while back interesting and actually quite funny, and I would be embareassed if I worked in the WTBTS Writing Department.

    But in the interest of Board harmony and peace I will " bend over backwards" to keep you happy.

  • lawrence

    Another flip flop - the meaning of the word 'porneia' and the Judicial effects.

  • jwsons
  • waiting

    Another flip-flop

    Oral sex

    Mid 70's was a sin.

    Mid 70's was a personal decision.

    Wives of Unbelievers & Christmas Celebrations

    Do nothing! Prove your cleanliness from paganism to Jehovah.

    Last year........keep your husband contented. Jehovah knows your heart.

    MUST Scream before/while being raped:

    yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no.......ONLY applies to women btw. Men were never under this WT Law. Only women had to PROVE their innocence before Jehovah and Angels.

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