Flies Fly From Fly - Honest`

by Francois 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    If this isn't the weirdest thing I've read today or any day, I'll eat your, no MY, shorts.

    Tuesday June 24, 12:35 PM

    'Fly boy' continues to suffer as doctors struggle

    By Indo-Asian News Service


    Kolkata, June 24 (IANS) A 13-year-old boy whose bizarre ailment has a fly-like insect emerging out of him is far from being cured as doctors struggle to detect the source of the parasite.

    The fully-grown flies, as doctors described the parasites, have been emerging out of Chandan Goswami's genitals and flying off for more than two weeks now.

    Chandan, now receiving treatment at a state-run hospital in West Bengal's Burdwan district, is said to be suffering from a condition called myiasis, a disease seen mostly in Central and Latin America.

    In myiasis, the larvae of a type of fly invade a human or animal body, dead or alive. The deposited eggs can then enter the body through pores, the mucous membrane or even the mouth. The hatched larvae then emerge out the host's skin and pupate.

    However, in Chandan's case, whole flies complete with wings are emerging out of his body and flying off.

    "This is very, very rare. We are trying to find out how the fly entered the boy's body," says Sudhansu Pan, the surgeon attending Chandan.

    Doctors carried out a cystoscopy to clear the boy's urinary tract, but the treatment has failed because two more flies emerged out of his penis on Monday.

    Doctors admitted they have not been able to identify where the parasite deposit lay inside Chandan's body.

    Health authorities have formed a medical board of seven doctors to treat Chandan. Doctors were also "coordinating" with physicians abroad who have experience in dealing with myiasis.

    In myiasis, the maggots usually are found underneath the skin and are removed by minor surgery. But whole flies emerging out of a human body is rare, doctors said.

    Chandan told doctors he first felt pain in his abdomen almost a month ago. And then he saw the flies intermittently coming out of his penis.

    He told his parents, but they didn't initially believe him. Earlier this month, they saw the strange occurrence and took their son to Burdwan hospital, where doctors too were stunned to see the rare case.

  • Elsewhere

    *** Tightly crossing legs ***

  • StinkyPantz

    Eww. . ouch. . .eww

  • DFWnonJW

    ...and Billy, that's why it's called a 'fly' and why you must always remember to zip it all the way up!

    Now you know, the rrrest of the story.

  • Shakita

    That poor kid...... flies really creep me out....disgusting

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Brummie

    oh my gaaaawd. Sounds like a Stephen King movie in the making!

    I'll bet that poor kid has nightmares about fly swatters.


  • DannyBear

    Fly swatter hell...........imagine the sound of rustling flys trapped in a 'trojan max'?


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