What's telling chapter! In the first 15 verses if one kept the laws and pure worship of the temples god things were great and you would be blessed. But starting in verse 16 if you didn't holy cow! Gods would curse you and do crazy thing to you. You would receive plagues, your wives would be raped your kids eaten by your wife. You and your family sold off into slavery and about everything else only a detestable person could think of. Oh what a wonderful loving God!!!
Reading Deuteronomy chapter 28 , oh my!
by Crazyguy 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sure resembles something out of the book of Revelations does it not!
Oh my indeed. 15 verses of blessings versus over 40 verses of cruel and horrible maledictions! And we are told, not just that Jehovah will "allow" them to happen, but that he will "delight" to inflict them personally! This flies in the face of JW theology.
James Mixon
Jehovah of the OT has multiple personality. Not sure if he suffer trauma during his childhood, but anyone that can literally dissociate himself from a situation or experience that's too violent, traumatic or painful to assimilate with his conscious self has a split personality...I believe GOD and Satan are the same, he sits in one chair and talks to himself, Satan..
It says a lot about the dark cloak of naivete that draped over us that we could read in Scripture about the barbaric utterances of Yahweh and, undisturbed, talk about Him being a loving and true God.