Dear Heavenly Father

by Blue 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blue

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    My prayer today is for all people.

    I pray that your words will go into their hearts

    And they will believe what you say is true and repent.

    I pray that your love will enlighten their minds.

    As that is your will for them Dear Father.

    I pray too that you bring us together with our own prodigal brother.

    Who doesn’t know we exist.

    The people are so fearful my God.

    The Illuminati has done their job well.

    They are afraid to trust.

    You left us so long.

    We are anxiously awaiting your glorious return to the people.

    Please hurry before the system destroys even your elite.

    Finish us Father-make us like you.

    Put your laws in our hearts

    And write them in our minds.

    In the name of your son,

    Jesus Christ

  • Amazing

    The Whitneyu family, of which I am a member, and sole heir to the Whitney Castle in the United Kingdom, are also long time members and co-founders of the Illuminati ... and I "represent" your remarks. ... I have sought membership back into the Council on Foreign Relations and Tri-lateral Commission ... and as it stands as soon as I get my membership certificate, I am going to takew charge and start running things around here. - Jim Whitney

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Wake up, and stop reading crap. Only the most gulible believe that shit.

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