A few days ago, in Canadian news, Torstar will be selling its printing plant, and outsourcing its print operations in a 5-year deal. Among other ventures, Torstar owns Canada's largest daily, The Toronto Star. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/torstar-to-sell-printing-plant-in-vaughan-ont-more-than-285-jobs-affected-1.3405317
Today, Postmedia announced job cuts and mergers http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/postmedia-job-cuts-1.3410497
What is of interest in Torstar's history is that in Oct 2012, they introduced a "paywall" for access to content online. However, this was a failure, and ended in Apr 2015. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto_Star
As with most things, Watch Tower is about 5-10 years behind reality.
(We've sent out a whopping 6,000 missionaries over the last 70 years. Take that, Christendom!)
Pay-for-print went the way of the dodo 10 years ago.
Caleb and Sophia? What is this? The Looney Tunes era?
Televangelism? Of all the things. Seriously?
Ahh. But, we now have a website, with many pages in lots of obscure languages. OMFG, congratulations.
This is actually becoming fun to watch.