Hello everyone,
The attacks that the WTS directs against , ALL those who express different opinions , and above all against other religions are a form of intolerance ?
Let’s examine few point in a WTS article:
*** w59 6/1 323-4 Intolerance Is a Sign of Weakness ***
Intolerance Is a Sign of Weakness
WIDESPREAD, unfortunately, is that moral malady known as intolerance. It is not only widespread but also appears in many guises. Such is fallen human nature that one may be afflicted with it and not be aware of that fact. According to Webster, intolerance is the “refusing to allow others the enjoyment of their opinions, rights or worship.” Synonyms for intolerance are “narrowness, prejudice, dogmatism.”
Obviously, whatever else intolerance may be, it is a refusal to comply with the just, logical, loving “golden rule” that ‘all things that we want men to do to us we must likewise do to them.’ (Matt. 7:12)
Of course, it is not intolerance for a government not to tolerate lawlessness and crime.
Neither is it intolerance for a religious or fraternal organization to refuse to tolerate among its members opinions or practices contrary to those for which it stands. Membership in such an organization is voluntary, and if one does not agree with its principles and practices he should not want to be a member of it.
Thus also the Bible tells us that God eventually will annihilate all the wicked ones. (Ps. 145:20) He will not tolerate them in his universe, but that does not make God intolerant. Why not? Because God, by virtue of his creating all things, his sovereignty and his perfect attributes of power, wisdom, justice and love, is in position to dictate what is right and best for his universe.
Intolerance might therefore be said to be a presumptuous refusal to tolerate the opinions, rights and worship of others.
While intolerance is invariably associated with feelings of superiority, these, more likely than not, are only superficial; underneath lies a feeling of insecurity, of inferiority; in fact, a fear because of weakness.
Thus the campaign of anti-Semitism of the Nazis was so successful for the reason that so many German “Aryans” feared the Jews because of their achievements in the fields of finance, science and the arts. The same may even be said of the current world-wide racial intolerance; it is coupled with fear of harm. Not, in this instance, because of achievements but because of the numerical superiority of these other races.
Perhaps nowhere is intolerance more a sign of weakness than in the field of religion. Religious intolerance has been practiced from the days of Cain and Abel down to our day. “
and also:
“Fearing the loss of power, prestige and material gain, they conspired together and caused to be committed the most heinous of all intolerant deeds, the murder of Christ Jesus.—John 12:10, 11, 19.”
and this:
“These also are a sign of weakness; consciously or unconsciously we seek to compensate a lack of facts, logic or Scriptural authority by an overbearing manner.”
I think , this paragraph above is revealing!
Agape, J.C. MacHislopp