Are you a Child Abuse Survivor willing to help “Change Laws and Change Lives”?
Do you agree that “Reporting abuse is the key to prevention and the start of”?
As president of SCAARS, (Stop Child Abuse – Advocates for Reform and Safety), a non-profit lobbying corporation, I’m writing to inform you that arrangements have been made where abuse survivors can speak with policymakers at the California Capitol in Sacramento, specifically on January 15th and 16th. (Also, plans are in the works for similar meetings soon after.) Please note that meetings or discussions will not be media events, but will be private discussions. Capitol protocol will be observed at all times.
Inasmuch as the serious and lasting effects of child sexual abuse are best explained by those who have been harmed, discussions will be centered on ways to prevent the crime of child abuse, which is also a “public” safety issue, and about how abuse victims can begin the healing process.
If you are an abuse survivor who would like to add your voice to this effort, please send an email to Your response is needed ASAP as the January 15th and 16th schedule is filling up. Please note: To be part of any of these events, it will be by “invitation only.” If you’re interested in attending, in the subject line of your email please write, “Abuse survivor willing to help SCAARS bring change.” Include in your message a brief description of your experience. Incidentally, policymakers appreciate hearing suggestions for remedies, so if you’re invited to participate, please feel free to offer your ideas. And keep in mind that anything discussed will remain confidential.
As a suggestion, please visit where SCAARS efforts are outlined, such as seeking to improve the laws pertaining to child abuse, mandatory reporting, the applicable statutes of limitations, as well as court outcomes in the judicial process.
Presently, SCAARS has a specific bill intended to increase mandated reporting of child abuse occurring in religious institutions. SCAARS will also support a variety of bills to improve such culturally related problems as sex trafficking, child pornography, abuse in the Foster Care system, sexual harassment, creating child safe cultures, healing the mental and physical harm caused by abuse, and related civil rights infringements.
Even if you’re not from California, or did not experience child sexual abuse, your voice is a valuable asset to bring about change. To show support for SCAARS efforts, write in the subject line of an email, “Willing to support SCAARS.” Make it known if you would like to be an advocate supporting the cultural changes needed to protect children and heal survivors, this through positive legislative changes in the State of California, the United States, and eventually, around the world. SCAARS lobbyists can’t do it alone – We need you to send an email expressing your interest and support.
Thank you,
Barbara Anderson