I'am chased by monsters and JW's, I turn and confront the whole gang and they all embrace me.LOL
Evaluation of my dream..Give it a shot..
by James Mixon 9 Replies latest jw friends
It sounds like you're subconsciously concerned about being love-bombed, lol ...
... hmmm ...
So avoid Kingdom Halls and all other WT related areas.
^^^ my best shot ^^^
James Mixon
LoveUniHateExams: You may be right "afraid of being love-bombed". Two weeks ago I attend my Grandson naming in a Mormon church, and I was love-bombed.....hmmmm
Nathan Natas
As with Scrooge, it was simply a bit of undigested potato.
Evaluation of my dream..Give it a shot..
Village Idiot
Perhaps he can tell you:
Island Man
You feel inundated by various stresses both from JWs and other people but long for meaningful, stress-free, relationships?
Definitely the love bombing at the Mormon church..... but bad guacamole has been known to have similar effects.
Your grandson `s naming in a Mormon Church couple of weeks ago? and you were love bombed ?
Hollly shite ,
James Mixon ,what are you going to do to free your grandson from a cult? if possible.
Family members belong to the Mormons ? that cant be good .How do you cope ?
I feel for you brother , I really do.
It must be hard on you.
Take care
James Mixon
Life couldn't get any better, I had a mini stroke( TIA) last sunday. I was lucky a small piece of plaque blocked one of my artery that supplies the brain. My right hand went limp for no reason I so glad the wife convinced me to go to the emergency. The last four days I have been reading a lot on transient ischemic attack (TIA), most folks never realize they had a mini stroke. They performed surgery the next day (Monday), a close one my right hand is about 90%......Not one word from my JW family, my 25 year old nephew(not a JW) call me before the surgery "uncle I know how you view the Bible but I would still like to pray with you, may I". He prayed for me over the phone...