I’m happy to say that, yet as always with the WTS there is a price to be paid. I’ll explain how this is working out.There’s a new development in the family that’s making the final break possible, and sadly is where the penalty for leaving is going to happen.
Only one person of all the JW family history is left that could start a fifth, he’s my nephew. He’s seventeen and has recently realized TTATT.
This is where the tragedy is going to be. He’s keeping quiet until he gets things in order before leaving openly. He said he knows his parents will not speak with him once they know his position even if he isn’t disfellowshipped or disassociates himself. He said he loves his family and I hope that won’t happen.Though of course eventually it will come to that, he won’t go the rest of his life pretending to be a Witness.
Thanks to the baptizing of children, as he was only about fifteen he loses his parents. If not for that it would be different. Sadly this is true for many of us here.
I have not gone into the details of the entire family drama that is ongoing because of the religion. The bottom line in this story is that the Watchtower cult continues to break up families day every day. The only good part is what the I stated in the topic, no fifth generation in this family will suffer at the hands of the WTS.
My heart is hurting over the whole situation, but those of us in the family who left will do our best to help him. Thank you for listening and your support.🌿